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Steered Straight Thrift

What’s New at

Seems like this dreary weather has been dragging on for way too long. Finally, Spring has sprung and yard sale season is here. I hope everyone took that extended winter to de-clutter and clean out. Remember—if you haven’t worn or used it in a year, you probably don’t need it. And after all those high heating bills, we could all use some extra cash.

On March 6 celebrated its first anniversary with a few improvements to the site. We’ve made it easier to post your sale, to find specific items at a sale and to conveniently plan you route for the day. We began by simplifying and reducing the cost of the posting process. Now, there are only two options—Premium ($8) or FREE. A Premium posting (which is 70–80% cheaper than a classified ad) provides unlimited item listing, five-day posting, turn-by-turn directions to your location from any address and access to our route planner.

We then upgraded our SEARCH function, so items are easier to find and you can easily customize the map to your zip code. We are also statewide, so if you’re heading to Memphis for a concert, you can also hit a few sales on the west side of the state.

Additionally, we have added the super cool ROUTE PLANNER. If you are anything like me, you understand how frustrating it is to try and find a yard sale that has terrible signage. That is a frustration that can now be discarded. Now, all you have to do is go to, click on the premium sales you want to attend, click on add to Route Planner (you can add as many sales as you want) and then enter your address and click print—(angelic singing goes here)—and there you have every yardsaler’s dream: clear, concise, turn-by-turn directions from one sale to the next, to the next, to the next.

Stop Hopping and Start Shopping.


Nashville Peace and Justice
Coalition’s 2nd Annual Sale
Saturday, April 10
For details and directions,—What is it?
It’s a locally owned and operated website that allows users to advertise, locate and search area yard sales (estate, moving, garage, consignment, fundraisers). The site includes a Route Planner which provides turn-by-turn directions from one sale to the next and a SEARCH function that allows users to find only the sales that have what they are looking for or that are in a particular zip code. is Green and exclusive to Tennessee.

For franchise information,


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