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Steered Straight Thrift

Wartrace MusicFest Back June 8 with Boogie, Blues and Bar-B-Que

The Gian Cage Band

The Gian Cage Band

Sam Hunter

Sam Hunter

The Town of Wartrace and the Wartrace Chamber of Commerce present the ninth annual Wartrace MusicFest from 4-11 p.m. Sat., June 8, at the Wartrace Horse Show Grounds, 112 Bridgeview Ave., Wartrace, Tenn.

The event is a nonprofit effort to benefit the Town of Wartrace and underwrite civic improvements including park benches, trash receptacles and street lighting. A donation is also made to the Cascade High School Band for supervising parking.

This year’s theme is “Boogie, Blues and Bar-B-Que” and admission is just $5, with children 12 and under admitted free.

2013 Wartrace MusicFest Main Stage lineup:
6 p.m. – CUMBERLAND BLUE is a seven-piece teenage blues band with an average age of 15. The group represented the Nashville Blues Society at the 2013 International Blues Challenge youth showcase held in Memphis.

7 p.m. – THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL BAND is a group of seasoned professionals with tight vocal harmonies, playing classics from every musical genre including rockabilly, R&B, reggae, doo-wop, country, jazz and high-energy rock and roll.

8 p.m. – SAM HUNTER & THE TWO TONES  is a trio of accomplished musicians in their early twenties who play classic rock and roll with respect and with an emphasis on fun. This personable group, which never fails to include the audience in its antics, has gained a well-deserved buzz among critics and fans.

9 p.m. – EDDIE DELGADO and LOS VATOS LOCOS featuring BETHANY JO is a six-piece group from New York and East L.A. that plays rock and roll with a Latin flavor reminiscent of Santana. Bethany Jo is a passionate, rising star-level vocalist who has an incredible stage presence.

10 p.m. THE GIAN CAGE BAND is a group of Nashville studio pros who specialize in their own brand of infectious funk and R&B, covering the likes of Otis Redding, Prince, Gladys Knight and Johnny Cash, all with their own indelible stamp.

The fest’s On the Tent Stage presents local and regional musical acts beginning at 4 p.m. in an intimate setting beneath a large tent, with table seating for those enjoying bar-b-que.

For more information on the 2013 Wartrace MusicFest, visit or or call Jerry Fox at (615) 428-7366.

Cumberland Blue

Cumberland Blue


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The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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