April 8 - Underwater Egg Hunt ~ photo courtesy of WGNS Radio
April 6 – Celebrity Waiters Dinner
Join the 8th Annual Celebrity Waiters Dinner on Thursday, April 6, from 6–9 p.m., at Stones River Country Club (1830 NW Broad St.). This year’s theme is “Opry in The ’Boro – Backstage Pass” with a musical country-western theme starting with a reception at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m. Enjoy a silent auction, live auction, entertainment and a meet and greet. Meet country music artists and hear them perform. Funds benefit The Exchange Club Family Center for The Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (familycentertn.org, 115 Heritage Park Dr.) and other Exchange Club projects. For more information, call (615) 893-2067 or (615) 849-5300 or visit nationalexchangeclub.org.
April 6 – Jobs for High School Seniors
A High School Hiring Fair for seniors at Blackman High School and Holloway High School, held at Blackman High School (3956 Blaze Dr.) on Thursday, April 6, from 8 a.m.–1:30 p.m., is a partnership with the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce where many seniors actually get a new job. About 60 businesses seeking local talent are participating. For more information, contact jeffrey.glidden@tn.gov or (615) 893-6565, or visit jobs4tn.gov.
April 7 – Sherlock-Themed Murder Mystery Event
The Discovery Center (502 SE Broad St.) invites guests to use their powers of deduction and skills in forensic science to solve the murder mystery during “Disco Night: Sherlock Holmes” on Friday, April 7, beginning at 6 p.m. Tickets are available at explorethedc.org/disco and include three drink vouchers. Attendees must be 21 or older. Along with full access to the Center’s exhibits, the event features multiple activities including Fingerprint Dusting, Blood Splatter Analysis and Scene of the Crime. Tickets are $15 for members and $20 for non-members. Proceeds for the event benefit the Discovery Center. For more information, call (615) 890-2300.
April 7, 15 and 28 – Mayday Brewery Presents M-Prov Comedy Night
Mayday Brewery (521 Old Salem Rd.) presents The M-Prov Boro Comedy Night for a night of stand-up, sketch comedy and improv April 7, 15 and 28 from 8:30–9:30 p.m. For more information, visit the Mayday Brewery and Boro Comedy Facebook pages and maydaybrewery.com.
April 7 – Soldier’s Child Foundation Banquet
A Soldier’s Child Foundation will hold its Annual Dinner Banquet at Saddle Woods Farm (9522 Franklin Rd.) on Friday, April 7, from 5:45–9 p.m. (dinner at 6:30 p.m.) with entertainment, delicious food by 5 Senses Restaurant, and a live auction with Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey as auctioneer. All proceeds benefit A Soldier’s Child Foundation. For more information, call (615) 220-1600.
April 8 – Easter Bunny Breakfast
A breakfast with the Easter Bunny will be held at The Doubletree by Hilton in Murfreesboro (1850 Old Fort Pkwy.) Saturday, April 8, from 8:30–10:30 a.m. along with an Easter egg hunt. Breakfast buffet includes fresh fruit, assorted yogurts and pastries, scrambled eggs, sliced bacon, french toast and beverages. For more information, find Easter Bunny Breakfast by DoubleTree by Hilton Murfreesboro on eventbrite.com.
April 8 – Special Kids Race
Runners participate in 15K (7 a.m.), 5K (7:20 a.m.) or 1-mile (8:30 a.m.) runs for Special Kids at Murfreesboro Medical Clinic and Surgicenter (1272 Garrison Dr.) on Saturday, April 8. Special Kids is a Christian therapy and nursing center for children with special needs. Register at specialkidsrace.org.
April 8 – 4-H 4K
Join the Rutherford County 4-H 4K Saturday, April 8, at the Lane Agri-Park (315 John R. Rice Blvd.). Registration is at 7 a.m. with the race starting at 8:30 a.m. Serving as a fundraiser for the Rutherford County 4-H Endowment Fund, the unique race features a combination road and cross-country course and is the kick-off for the Adventures in Ag Day planned for the Rutherford County Extension office. The day features interactive exhibits showcasing local providers and demonstrations of agricultural tools and techniques. Registration required. For more information, call (615) 898-7710 or visit active.com or rutherford.tennessee.edu.
April 8 – Oaklands Mansion Wetlands Tour
Oaklands Mansion (900 N. Maney Ave.) invites everyone to join Curator and Master Gardener Connor Moss Saturday, April 8, from 2–4 p.m. for a tour of the mansion grounds and wetlands area. Admission is $15 per person and all proceeds benefit the maintenance and preservation of the grounds. The tour begins at 2 p.m. at Oaklands Mansion’s Visitors Center. Reservations are required. For tickets, call (615) 893-0022. For more information, call (615) 893-0022 or visit oaklandsmansion.org.
April 8 – Spring Bee Count
The Wilderness Station (301 Volunteer Rd.) will host a Spring Bee Count on Saturday, April 8, from 12:30–1:30 p.m. Birds and bees play a key role in our food supply, and you can closely observe the number of bees that visit specific flowers in Barfield Park. The data collected helps the park better understand bees and their habits. This program is a part of the citizen science project Bumble Bee Count. For more information, contact (615) 217-3017 or hmullican@murfreesborotn.gov, or visit bumblebeewatch.org.
April 8 – Paws & Pearls
The 8th Annual Paws & Pearls at Belle Meadows Farm (6241 Browns Mill Rd., Lascassas), held Saturday, April 8, from 6–10 p.m., benefits the Beesley Animal Foundation. The event, hosted by Susan Wilson, includes food and drink from many area establishments, music from Gay and Larry Pinkerton and Avent Lane, along with The Pilots, and a live auction. Admission is $75 per person and $15 for well-behaved leashed canines. RSVP at pawsandpearls2017.eventbrite.com.
April 8 – Underwater Egg Hunt
The Aquatics division at Patterson Park Community (521 Mercury Blvd.) invites the community to take part in a one-of-a-kind Underwater Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 8. Registration begins at 1 p.m.; the hunt begins for ages 2–5 at 1:30 p.m. and the hunt begins for ages 6–9 at 1:45 p.m. Admission is free until 3 p.m. For more information, contact (615) 893-7439 or cclemmons@murfreesborotn.gov.
April 9 – MTSU Egg Hunt at President’s Home
Join MTSU sorority members at their annual Easter Egg Hunt on the President’s Lawn (2212 Middle Tennessee Blvd.) Saturday, April 9, from 2–4 p.m. All children ages 12 and under are welcome; all guests are asked to park at the Parking Services building located off Main Street. In addition to the Easter Egg Hunt, enjoy a variety of games for children to play as well as an appearance from the Easter Bunny. For more information, call (615) 796-1740.
April 9 – 2017 Fido Spring Fling
Nashville Paw magazine’s Fido Spring Fling returns on Sunday, April 9, to Lane Agri-Park (315 John Rice Blvd.) from 2–5 p.m. This family-friendly event benefits Beesley Animal Foundation and Rutherford County PAWS and features activities for the kids while friendly, leashed pooches sniff out and discover treat-filled Easter eggs hidden throughout the park. Bring your egg basket and enjoy special prize eggs with pet treats and toys. Your furry friends can strut their stuff in a costume contest, and local pet vendors, food trucks and adoptable pets will also be onsite. Festival admission is free to browse the booths. Entry into the egg hunt and costume contest is $15 cash per dog and benefits Beesley Animal Foundation and PAWS of Rutherford County. For more details, visit fidospringfling.com or nashvillepaw.com.
April 9 and 23 – Sacred Circle Dance
“World Dance” or “Sacred Circle Dance with Awareness” combines spiritual dance, world dance and folk dance and part of many traditions and cultures from around the world; it is done in a circle holding hands or in a line. No particular experience is required. Doing circle dance creates a space for awareness, healing, gentle peacefulness and relaxation. Instructor Heather Thompson will lead circle dances April 9 and 23 from 2 to 4 p.m. For the location and more information, contact (931) 686-2520 or ltledeer@bellsouth.net.
April 11 – Equali-TEA
The American Association of University Women (AAUW) is the nation’s leading voice promoting equity and education for women and girls. Tommy Bragg, former mayor of Murfreesboro, is nominated for the inaugural Tempest Award by AAUW Murfreesboro for his work on women’s equality during his term. Join in honoring him Tuesday, April 11, at Equali-TEA, a high tea fundraising event for AAUW scholarships for women students of MTSU, such as the Ruth Houston Memorial Scholarship for older women returning to finish their undergraduate degrees and the Butler-Fouts Memorial Graduate Scholarship for under-represented women pursuing a graduate degree at MTSU. For more information, contact equalitea@aauw-murfreesboro.org, scholarships@aauw-murfreesboro.org or (615) 956-2619, or visit aauw-murfreesboro.org.
April 11 – Promoting and Protecting Pollinators
Learn how to protect pollinators at “Promoting and Protecting Pollinators” at the Lane Agri-Park (315 John R. Rice Blvd.) Tuesday, April 11, from 6–7 p.m. Register at the Agricultural Extension; contact (615) 898-7710 or mmote1@utk.edu.
April 11 – Rutherford CABLE Breakfast Meeting
How do great leaders inspire, motivate and lead change? Dale Carnegie’s research has identified four traits of “REAL leaders: Reliable, Empathetic, Aspirational and Learner.” Joe Hart, President and CEO of Dale Carnegie Training, reveals the key leadership behaviors that both motivate and discourage work performance and help us embrace these attributes. Listen to “Become a REAL Leader” at the Stones River Country Club (1830 NW Broad St.) Tuesday, April 11, from 7:30–9 a.m. Members and guests welcome. Registration is required. For more information, contact dawn.ruthcable@gmail.com.
April 13 – Snack & Learn
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee helps consumers understand Marketplace health insurance options through a series of free Snack & Learn events at McFadden Community Center (211 Bridge Ave.); the next meeting will be Tuesday, April 13, from 6–7 p.m. Marketplace advocates provide an overview of the Health Insurance Marketplace, enrollment periods and the process to enroll for insurance on healthcare.gov. Light refreshments are served. This event occurs on the second Thursday of every month. For more information, call (423) 535-4358.
April 14 – Boro Art Crawl
The Boro Art Crawl features many of Murfreesboro’s local artists and craftsmen throughout businesses in the historic downtown district Friday, April 14, from 6–9 p.m. For more information, visit boroartcrawl.com. This event occurs on the second Friday of every other month.
April 14 – Lucky Ladd Farms Easter Celebration
Join the Easter Bunny on Tennessee’s largest petting farm as he hops around Lucky Ladd Farms (4374 Rocky Glade Rd., Eagleville) at their annual Easter Festival and Egg Hunt on Friday, April 14, beginning at 10:30 a.m. Enjoy games, activities, crafts, baby farm animals and non-stop egg hunts with prize packs for kids. Tickets must be purchased in advance. For more information, visit luckyladdfarms.com.
April 15 – Citywide Easter Egg Hunt
Children of all ages can enjoy this Citywide Easter Egg Hunt at Richard Siegel Community Park (515 Cherry Ln.) Saturday, April 15, beginning at 1 p.m. Hunt for eggs and exchange them for prizes. Enjoy carnival-style games and a visit from the Easter Bunny. For more information, contact (615) 907-2251 or athletics@murfreesborotn.gov. Admission is free.
April 19 – Tip the Waiter
Domestic Violence Program & Sexual Assault Services’s Annual “Tip the Waiter” Luncheon at Embassy Suite Hotel (1200 Conference Center Blvd.) Wednesday, April 19, at noon, aides the victims of domestic and/or sexual assault in the community. For more information, contact bbeckwith@dvpshelter.org or (615) 896-7377.
April 19 – Buffalo Wild Wings Community Day 2017
On Wednesday, April 19, the Murfreesboro Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant (207 Stones River Mall Blvd.) presents Community Day 2017, an annual celebration that raises funds for local kids as part of the Buffalo Wild Wings Team Up for Kids mission from 11 a.m.–1 p.m. Fun activities are planned. Boys and Girls Club of Murfreesboro receives 10 percent of total restaurant sales and 100 percent of guest donations. For more information, call (615) 907-6004.
April 20 – The Connection, Business Networking at Mayday
The Connection: An Evening of Professional Networking and Business Brainstorming will be held from 5–7 p.m. on Thursday, April 20, at Mayday Brewery (521 Old Salem Rd.). All Middle Tennessee entrepreneurs and professionals are welcome to attend this casual, no-obligation event, where they can meet other small business owners and tap into one another’s experience and energy. An open roundtable discussion will encourage participation from those in attendance, asking them to articulate their vision for their business and calling for examples of some of the business challenges and solutions they are experiencing. The series will continue the third Thursday of each month.
April 20 – Studs & Duds
Studs & Duds is a free class at Lane Agri-Park (315 John R. Rice Blvd.) April 20 from 6–7 p.m. teaching how to choose trees and shrubs that have the fewest problems. For more information, contact (615) 898-7710 or mmote1@utk.edu.
April 20 – Music Mingle
Do you support or participate in music in Murfreesboro? All music producers, promoters, teachers, composers, musicians, conductors, songwriters, music business owners and music fans are welcome to the Music Mingle at the Banquet Room at Bradley Academy Museum (415 S Academy St.) Thursday, April 20, from 5:30–7:30 p.m. The goal of Music Mingle is to encourage communication and collaboration between individuals in the music community, start community discussions about the needs and direction music is taking in the ’Boro. Have fun mingling, networking and getting to know each other. Light snacks are provided. For more information, contact (615) 867-7244 or culturalarts@murfreesborotn.gov.
April 20 – Murfreesboro Symphony
Hear the Murfreesboro Symphony in concert at First United Methodist Church (265 W. Thompson Ln.) Thursday, April 20, at 7:30 p.m. The evening offers a concert of familiar tunes from movies, song and dance, and show tunes conducted by Professor Craig Cornish, conductor of the MTSU Band of Blue. For more information, call contact (615) 898-1862 or symphony@murfreesborosymphony.com.
April 20–22 – Brainiac Trivia TriWizard Tournament
Mayday Brewery (521 Old Salem Rd.) hosts a three-night Harry Potter Trivia extravaganza April 20–22 beginning at 7 p.m. each night. Brought to you by the folks at Brainiac Trivia League, this is their version of a TriWizard Tournament. For more information, visit maydaybrewery.com or brainiactrivia.com/2017events.
April 21 – Hometown Heroes Walk for Children
The Child Advocacy Center celebrates Child Abuse Prevention Month with the 2nd annual Hometown Heroes Walk for Children. The 2.1-mile walk begins at noon on Friday, April 21, at the Murfreesboro Civic Plaza (111 W. Vine St.), with registration beginning at 11 a.m. and speakers at 11:45 a.m. The Walk concludes at the Child Advocacy Center (1040 Samsonite Blvd.) with a reception following. Registration is free to walk. Walkers can purchase an event T-shirt for $10. The Child Protective Investigative Team responds as a multidisciplinary team to child abuse cases. The Department of Children’s Services protects children, law enforcement arrests perpetrators, the District Attorney’s Office prosecutes offenders and the Child Advocacy Center aids children and their families with abuse trauma. For more information, contact kristinatroglen@bellsouth.net or (615) 867-9000, or visit cacrutherford.org.
April 21 – Senior Dance
Enjoy the music of the Rode West Band at a Senior Dance at the Patterson Park adult gym (521 Mercury Blvd.) Friday, April 21, from 5–8 p.m. Admission is $5 at the door (no taps or cleats allowed on the gym floor). For more information, call (615) 848-2550.
April 22 – Kingdom Builder Collegiate and Leadership Expo
College and university representatives, operators and local charities and business owners gather for the 3rd Annual faith-based college expo featuring and the Power of One Seminar presented by Ohio Christian University from 10 a.m.–5 p.m. on Saturday, April 22, at 1154 Park Ave. The event is free to attend and set up booths. For more information, visit Kingdom Builders on Facebook, or contact kingdombuilders5919@yahoo.com or (615) 995-5724.
April 22 – MTSU Golf Scramble
MTSU presents the “Bounce Back Golf Scramble” at Champions Run Golf Course (14262 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Rockvale) Saturday, April 22, from 1–5 p.m. All proceeds benefit Homes for Our Troops, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization the builds homes for service members who have been severely injured in combat since Sept. 11, 2001. Each home is designed to serve the needs of the injured vet. Cost is $100 per player ($400 per team). For more information, contact bbshfot@gmail.com or visit MTSU Bounce Back Golf Scramble on Facebook.
April 22 – Cripple Creek Cloggers Anniversary
Cripple Creek Cloggers celebrate their 50th anniversary Saturday, April 22, at the Kittrell Volunteer Fire Department (8067 John Bragg Hwy., Readyville). Reservations can be made through April 8 by contacting lplee@bellsouth.net or visiting the Official 50th RCSD/CCC Reunion Facebook event page. The cost is $20 per person and $10 for those 12 and under. Uncle Shuffelo and His Haint Hollow Hootenanny are playing and Steve Cates, founder, is calling square dancing. Slick Pig is catering. The clogging troupe hosts International Folkfest June 11–18 with approximately 65 guest folk musicians and dancers here from Canada, Mexico and Lithuania. The dancers are always seeking new participants. They meet weekly in Murfreesboro and there is no charge to participate. For more information about the dancers, contact appdancer@aol.com, or visit cripplecreekcloggers.org.
April 22 – The Bash
The Center for the Arts’s popular annual Bash swings into action Saturday, April 22, from 6:30–11 p.m. with a live auction, cocktails and catering provided by Alex Belew and dance music by Mosaic Rhythm. The 2017 theme for the Center’s primary fundraiser is “Out of This World.” For more information, visit boroarts.org/the-bash or call (615) 904-2787.
April 22 – House Concert with Joseph Akins and Christine Brown
Joseph’s House Concerts’ first concert of the year features the award-winning Christine Brown from San Diego performing original music for an intimate audience in a peaceful home. Laugh, relax and enjoy wine, goodies and door prizes. Feel free to bring your own beverage. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at josephshouseconcerts.eventbrite.com or at the door if not sold out. Door opens at 7 p.m. and the concert is from 7:30 p.m.–10:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 22. All are welcome, but audience members are expected to remain quiet during performances. The house is located at 1741 Marian Ln. Brown is a gifted solo pianist and composer with a unique blend of contemporary, new age and classical sounds. Her fans claim her music to be “rich,” with “a refined elegance and passionate intelligence” and “vibrant and colorful.”
April 22 – Pioneer Days
Step back in time with cloggers, old-time music, demonstrators, crafters, hayrides, Harriet Tubman played by June LaGreen, blacksmith demonstration, an Art League demonstration and Antique Auto car show at Cannonsburgh Village (312 S. Front St.) Saturday, April 22, from 10 a.m.–4 p.m. For more information, contact (615) 890-0355 or shodges@murfreesborotn.gov. Admission is free.
April 22 – Beautiful Birds
Celebrate birds on this day of fun at the Wilderness Station (301 Volunteer Rd.) Saturday, April 22, from 1–4 p.m. Take part in games and activities which highlight adaptations and migration challenges of many bird species (for ages 5–12, but fun for the whole family). For more information, contact (615) 217-3017 or outdoormurfreesboro@murfreesborotn.gov.
April 22 – Earth Day on the Square
Enjoy educational booths, games and giveaways for Earth Day at the Murfreesboro Public Square on Saturday, April 22, from 10 a.m.–2 p.m. For more information, contact cynthia.allen@mtsu.edu.
April 22 – Habitat Build
Stones River Mall invites local shoppers to its Kids Club: Habitat Build from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 22, in the parking lot behind Shoe Carnival and Versona. This event will be held in conjunction with Rutherford County Habitat for Humanity’s Community Build, a day-long panel build, sponsored by Exit Realty Bob Lamb & Associates. Kids Club participants can build wooden birdhouses and toolboxes while enjoying face painting and balloon art during this family-friendly event. In celebration of Earth Day, children can also plant a keepsake herb garden. That day community volunteers will build wall panels for a local Habitat for Humanity home beginning at 9 a.m. during the community build. A new addition to the event, Homes for Hounds, will feature volunteers building wooden dog houses in support of Operation Education Animal Rescue. For more information about the build, visit rchfh.org. For more information Stones River Mall events, visit stonesrivermall.com.
April 22 – Family Campout
Backpack an easy 1-mile hike to the Barfield Crescent Backcountry Campground (meet at the Wilderness Station at 301 Volunteer Rd.) Saturday, April 22, from 4–6:30 p.m. and spend the night in the park. Participate in various activities like guided night hikes, children’s activities and games, campfire fun and music, or just relax by the campfire. Dinner and breakfast are included in the registration fee. Tents, ground cloths, sleeping pads and backpacks are available by request. Reservations are required. For more information, contact (615) 217-3017 or lhughes@murfreesborotn.gov.
April 22 – Shabby Lane’s Cupcakes and Tea
Enjoy Shabby Lane’s Mothers & Daughters Cupcakes & Tea at Lane Agri-Park Community Center (315 John Rice Blvd.) Saturday, April 22, from 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Shop while enjoying free cupcakes and tea or lemonade. Admission is free. For more information, visit shabbylaneshoppingevents.com.

Catherine Burford
April 23 – Artist Night at the Museum
Bradley Academy Museum (415 S. Academy St.) hosts Artist Night at the Museum, a safe and creative environment for local artists to perform their new works, on Sunday, April 23, from 7–10 p.m. Organizers dedicate April’s Artist Night to Autism Awareness. The night will feature Catherine Burford’s one-woman show The Fool. Burford is a junior theatre major and has worked on many shows at MTSU. Her show, The Fool, was inspired by her struggle after learning about her autism. Admission to the event is free; for more information, call (615) 962-8773.
April 23 – Free Clothes and Food
Free food and clothes are given away at the Oakland Park 7th Day Adventist Church (711 N. Maney Ave.) the 4th Sunday of every month (Sunday, April 23) from 11 a.m–1 p.m. For more information, call (615) 410-7552.
April 28 – Swine & Wine
In conjunction with the following day’s Backyard BBQ Festival, the Murfreesboro Breakfast Rotary Club will host the Swine & Wine fundraising event on Friday, April 28, beginning at 6 p.m. The event, held at Cannonsburgh Village, includes dinner from The Hoof BBQ, beer from Mayday Brewery, wine from Stones River Total Beverage and music by the O’Donnels. Proceeds support the Murfreesboro Breakfast Rotary Foundation, providing funding to various community non-profits. For tickets and more information, visit backyardbbqfest.com.
April 29 – Qi Gong and Tai Chi Day
Experience the tranquility and peacefulness of Oaklands Mansion (900 N. Maney Ave.) at the 2017 World Qi Gong and Tai Chi Day Saturday, April 29, from 10 a.m.–noon. Local Tai Chi Chuan/Qi Gong teacher Bret Hawkins leads visitors in interactive participation and demonstrations with Tai Chi Chuan (Tai Chi), an ancient Chinese discipline that incorporates internal (soft) martial arts, traditional Chinese medicine and meditation. Many studies prove that practicing Tai Chi daily can improve one’s health. Qi Gong is a series of breathing exercises that are similar to Tai Chi, and often done together. This event is free and open to the public. Contact bretkeithhawkins@att.net for more information, or visit oaklandsmansion.org.
April 29 – Legacy of Light Gala
Legacy of Light Gala benefiting Middle Tennessee Christian School (100 E. MTCS Rd.) from 7–8:30 p.m. Saturday, April 29, features Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott. Reserve seats at mtcscougars.org. Contact (615) 893-0601 or bethhancock@mtcscougars.org for more information. Admission starts at $50.
April 29 – Savage Gulf Day Hike
Head to the Cumberland Plateau for a day of hiking on Saturday, April 29. Meet at the Wilderness Station (301 Volunteer Rd.) for departure at 8 a.m. and return at 5 p.m. Enjoy the warmth of spring with beautiful views and new friends during a hike of moderate skill level of 9.8 miles. Pack a lunch. Hiking time is approximately 5 hours. Ages 13 and up are welcome and cost is $15 per person. For more information, contact (615) 217-3017 or outdoormurfreesboro@murfreesborotn.gov.
April 29 – Blackman JROTC Car Show
Drive your car on in for the first annual Blackman High School JROTC Car Show on Saturday, April 29, 8 a.m.–noon with awards announced at 2 p.m. Show off your automotive pride and joy regardless of what model or make it is. The first 100 registrants get a goodie bag! For more information, find a Facebook event page for Blackman JROTC Car Show.
April 29 – Backyard BBQ Festival
Join the Breakfast Rotary Club in the celebration of the Backyard BBQ Festival on the historic grounds of Cannonsburgh Village (312 S. Front St.) Saturday, April 29, from 7 a.m.–5 p.m. Eat competition-style BBQ, visit the beer garden, cheer on local high schoolers in the High School Steak Cookoff and watch BBQ Smokers battle it out in this Kansas City Barbecue Society-sanctioned competition fun for the entire family. Free and open to the public. For more information, visit backyardbbqfest.com or the Backyard BBQ Murfreesboro Facebook page.
April 29 – Plant Swap and Craft Fair
The Annual Plant Swap and Craft Fair at the Lane Agri-Park (315 John R. Rice Blvd.) Saturday, April 29, from 10 a.m.–1 p.m., allows you to bring one plant and take home one other plant (no seeds or seedlings). In addition, purchase crafts, books and other garden-themed items. For more information, call (615) 898-7710.
April 30 – Nature Journaling Class
A two-hour Nature Journaling class at the Wilderness Station in Barfield Crescent Park (301 Volunteer Rd.) on Sunday, April 30, from 9–11 a.m., gives the public the opportunity to turn their aspirations of studying nature into a reality. Hike, write and draw, while being instructed to “nature journal” by providing skills in observation, sketching and the appreciation of nature’s beauty and mystery. An instruction manual is included and supplies provided, or bring your own. Adults only; fee is $15. Reservations are required. For more information, contact (615) 217-3017 or rsinger@murfreesborotn.gov.
Throughout April – Fun with the Easter Bunny
Enjoy breakfast, photos and pet night with the Easter Bunny at Stones River Mall (1720 Old Fort Pkwy.). Capture the magic of the spring season with a professional photo with the Easter Bunny through Saturday, April 15, at the photo set near the Children’s Play Area. The Bunny Bundle Photo Package includes prints, a digital download and online print credit. Shoppers can schedule a reservation in advance by texting Bunny198 to 39771. Reservations are strongly encouraged but not required. Attend Storytime & Puppet Show at 10 a.m. on Friday, April 7, inside the new Books-A-Million location for a special visit and craft with the Bunny. Fido and Kitty can also have their photos taken with the Bunny during Wags & Whiskers, from 6–8 p.m., Monday, April 3 and 10. Pet nights are sponsored by Doggie’s Day Out, a local, cage-free dog daycare. Shoppers can also donate a bag of dog or cat food for Rutherford County P.A.W.S. to receive a free 5-by-7 print while supplies last. For more information, visit stonesrivermall.com.
Mondays and Tuesdays – SPARK! in Murfreesboro
Looking for enrichment opportunities for you and your child? Join the Discovery Center’s (502 SE Broad St.) SPARK for children ages 1–6 and their caregivers Mondays and Tuesdays at 9–10 a.m. Kids participate in hands-on exploratory learning and play, skill building, STEAM exploration (science, technology, engineering, art and math), music and motion, yoga stretches and art activities and snacks. Parents get family extension ideas, social opportunities and adult-child interaction. For more information, visit explorethedc.org/spark.
Thursdays in April – Grief Support at Barfield Baptist
Barfield Baptist Church (1033 Barfield Church Rd.) invites the public to attend Grief Share Classes every Thursday evening from 6:30–8 p.m. Each class has a 30-minute video addressing the different cycles of emotions that are brought on through the loss of a loved one or close friend. The $15 fee benefits the church. For more information, call (615) 896-2490.
Fridays in April – Food Truck Fridays
Come out and have lunch from one of the fabulous local food trucks each Friday in March, April and May at Cannonsburgh Village (312 S. Front St.) from 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Contact (615) 890-0355 or shodges@murfreesborotn.gov.
Thursdays – Wine Time at The Boutique at StudioC
Enjoy a glass of wine after work and explore the beautiful items at The Boutique at StudioC (201 W. Main St., suite 206) every Thursday from 4:30–6:30 p.m. The Boutique at StudioC donates 100% of all profits to local charities as part of the StudioC brand. For more information, visit The Boutique at StudioC on Facebook.
May 4 – Locally Owned Murfreesboro Breakfast
Locally Owned Murfreesboro and the Tennessee Small Business Development Center will host a breakfast at 8 a.m. Thursday, May 4, at the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce. LOM has invited the new director of the TSBDC, Chris Swoner, to introduce himself to the community and explain what resources are offered by the center. Swoner returns to Middle Tennessee after spending a decade working for Blizzard Entertainment, which develops and operates the popular games like StarCraft, Diablo and World of Warcraft. The TSBDC offers business plan development, financial planning assistance, marketing plan development, advice on developing sources of capital, social media guidance, growth planning, government contracting guidance and more for small businesses in the state. The Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce is located at 3050 Medical Center Pkwy., Murfreesboro; the meeting will be held in the conference room on the third floor. For more information, visit locallyownedmurfreesboro.org.