Where does the time go? It seems like we were just starting out the new year and now we are in June! First, let me say a big “thank you” to every faithful listener; it truly makes doing The Justin Reed Show so much fun knowing that there are faithful listeners out there! June is always a busy month for the show and we have some great guests lined up (in addition to the great country music that we always play)!
June 1: Episode 185 — Lauren Ashley Autrey will appear on the show at 7:30 a.m. Autrey has a story that is worth telling, from teaching herself how to play music, writing her own songs, helping friends deal with difficult situations and then winding up in “the worst place I have ever been in my life”; she now performs music to make people happy. She will drop by and make us happy by playing live. More information can be found at facebook.com/laurenashleyautrey. At 8 a.m. the show will welcome Angelica Robinson. A onetime Voice contestant, Robinson sold everything she had in 2014 to come to Nashville and she has not looked back since. A regular all over town, Robinson will drop by the show and play live. More information on her is at angelicarobinson.com.
June 8: Episode 186 — At 7:30 a.m., Liza Jane will drop by and make her debut on the show! Jane has been singing since she was 2 years old; 16 years later she is still singing and making music. Currently a student at Belmont University, Jane recorded an album at age 16 titled We Can Start a Fire. More information on her can be found at lizajanemusic.com. MTSU alum Jaysen Gold will make his debut on the show at 8 a.m. Gold currently works as a teacher; he has previously worked as a disc jockey, interviewing Randy Owen of Alabama fame among others. Gold, who has been nominated for numerous Josie Music awards, entertains all over the region. For more information, visit facebook.com/jaysengoldmusic.
June 15 is a day off for the show; Justin will be on vacation! The lineup for the rest of June and July is still tentative as of the print date; however, the best way to find all the most up-to-date information is at thejustinreedshow.com, facebook.com/thejustinreedshow and @tjrs_wmts on Twitter.
The Justin Reed Show will be doing some very special events at the upcoming 40th Annual Uncle Dave Macon Days on July 7 and 8; stay on the lookout for that. Justin will be hosting two special Dewdrop Jamboree shows each night, and you will not want to miss them!
Peace, Love, and Ernest Tubb —
Justin Reed