Murfreesboro area rhythm enthusiasts will gather on the Murfreesboro Public Square the morning of Saturday, Sept. 22, for another one of the seasonal community rhythm events presented by Everybody Drum Some.
This drum session will mark Everybody Drum Some’s celebration of the arrival of fall 2018 on the first day of fall.
Anyone and everyone may come to the east side of Rutherford County Courthouse on the Square, beginning at 10 a.m., and join together with their friends and neighbors in making a joyful noise with all manner of percussion instruments.
Ross Lester and his drum disciples will feature a new twist on their event with the morning drumming session on the Square.
Lester does hold some Saturday morning group percussion sessions just down Main Street in front of Concert Musical Supply, where he also regularly teaches drum lessons.
For the past three years now, once a season, generally on the first day of the season, Everybody Drum Some has presented a special community rhythm event. At each installment, Lester brings out his extensive collection of hand drums, tambourines, shakers, wood blocks, cowbells and the like, and invites drummers, families, students, passersby and anyone who may just be curious about how such a drum session works and feels.
Over time, these events have attracted some regular attendees, who look forward to each session and loyally join the ensemble, contributing their own flavor of how the music should flow.
Each event also attracts some newcomers, some perhaps who have never performed music before and a bit hesitant to jump in the group. But often a participant will hand these individuals an instrument, and within a few minutes they will be comfortably tapping along to the beat and allowing the music to move them with smiles on their faces, experiencing a whole new vibe and experience while, sometimes unknowingly, contributing an important part in creating a whole new piece of music that has never been performed in precisely that way before.
Lester and his drum disciples will have the rhythmists calling and responding, crescendoing and decrescendoing, accenting in unison and free-styling.
“This group of people who get together every few months is a very diverse group, who all enjoy playing drums together,” Lester sums up the Community Rhythm Event experience.
Each occurrence takes on a unique life and character of its own.
The drummer wanted to contribute something new to the Saturday Market attendees, so, although the jams held at the beginning of the season typically launch in the evening, the Sept. 22. playing to celebrate the arrival of fall will be in conjunction with the morning farmers’ market.
Again, Lester welcomes anyone with the desire to give it a try to join the group—no experience needed, regulars and newcomers, family-friendly, all ages. He truly wants to see “everybody drum some,” and said he really enjoys “introducing people to this wonderful vehicle of recreational music-making.”
There is no cost to participate; if you have a drum, bring it! If you do not, come on out and slap one from the extensive Everybody Drum Some collection.
The community rhythm event will be held Saturday, Sept. 22, from 10–11:30 a.m. on the Murfreesboro Public Square.
Additionally, Everybody Drum Some can come to your church, school, business, or organization and create an unforgettable music-making experience.
Playing the drums is an easy but powerful way to get energized, release stress, connect and communicate with others, and have a lot of fun!
Find more on Everybody Drum Some at everybodydrumsome.com.