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Steered Straight Thrift


Celebration No. 1 ringing in the marriage of Bracken and Sarah will be at the Penguin and SkyHi show Saturday, Aug. 16, at Bluesboro.

Friends, customers, acquaintances, well wishers?even those who wish us harm, we don’t care, you can’t stop us now?everyone, we want to see you there.

Just let the doorman know you’re there for the editor’s engagement celebration and come and enjoy the night with us.

It’s almost football time in Tennessee. The Titans are set to begin pre-season play Aug. 9 and things heat up from there.

Check out the next issue of The Pulse and enter our NFL picks contest every week this season for some great prizes, and more importantly, bragging rights.

The Train is ready to roll out the station with some football knowledge for you.

This will be my first football season married. There probably won’t be a whole lot of difference, but my understanding is that wives make nachos for that sort of thing.

Everyone’s always wanting something for free, and there’s very little in the entertainment world for such a price, but I remembered one free source of entertainment last week: the library.

You can read books until your eyes pop out and the library will still have more to offer for multiple lifetimes.

The librarian had to confirm my information on file since it had been so long since I used my account, but I was quickly on my way out of the Linebaugh with a book under my arm, wondering why I’ve not been doing that more often.

Maybe some of the best things in life are free. (The Pulse is.)

Another great trade off appeared to me this past weekend: at an intense rock show the farther you get into the mosh pit, the fewer girls you see. So, as a general rule, if you want to bring a cute girl to a rock show, don’t crush her with shirtless thrashing about insanity. While it can certainly be fun, like I said, it’s a trade off.

Sure, there are some girls that can hold their own in the pit, but these are the exception, not the standard.

At times at the Lollapalooza festival the atmosphere and great artist lineup reminded me of Middle Tennessee’s own Bonnaroo festival. That is until you look up. While downtown Chicago’s Grant Park does have ample shade trees, let your eyes wander a little farther and one of the world’s most impressive skylines paints the horizon.

But whether it’s in a cow field or one of the largest concrete jungles, a music festival’s a music festival.

As a fan, I’m pleased rock, America’s finest art form, is alive and well, and I will do my part to keep it living strong.


Bracken Mayo, Editor in Chief


About the Author

The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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