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Steered Straight Thrift

Smokin’ Aces

Smokin’ Aces is just as cool as I wanted it to be?and then some. Its frenetic, sleek, fast-paced action and quick-witted dialogue remind me of the dark, twisted and slick thrillers of the ’90s I love (True Romance, Love & a .45 and Way of the Gun).

Evoking the kinetic spirit of Quentin Tarantino, director Joe Carnahan (Narc) delivers a top-notch screenplay that keeps you in the moment, never quite sure where it’s headed, who’s a villain or who’s going to be taken out next.

Reynolds and Liotta play FBI detectives on the case of Primo Sparazza, last of the U.S. mafia, when they overhear of a million-dollar hit on Vegas lounge act turned gangster, Buddy “Aces” Israel (Piven).

Currently holed up in a Lake Tahoe suite complete with entourage, hookers and plenty of coke, Israel is feeling the pressure and it shows on his face. Piven, always so quick with the sardonic quips and brutal criticism, doesn’t disappoint as a man who assumes more power than he deserves.

Offering himself up to the FBI seems Israel’s only way out, no matter who he takes down in the process. What he doesn’t realize is there are six hitmen and a cocky bail bondsman ready to cash in on the hit while he’s struggling with his own personal demons.

A credible assortment of minor players aids in the flow of the movie and includes versatile performances by Jason Bateman, Alicia Keys, Andy Garcia and even Matthew Fox.

Though it gets ahead of itself at times, the film does manage to pull it all together intriguingly in the end. Tarantino should be proud.


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The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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