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Steered Straight Thrift

American Brews

The weather is getting cold, better put on your beer jacket.

The slang “beer jacket,” used to describe the warming sensation that results from having a couple of beers, is in fact what scientists refer to as peripherovascular dilation. Alcohol causes some blood vessels to expand creating this warm, invisible jacket, but in fact the sensation comes from the body’s loss of heat.

These three American brews pack lots of malts, ridiculous amounts of hops and enough alcohol to really get your blood flowing.

Sierra Nevada Celebration
Ale 2006

Categorized as a double IPA, meaning extra hop umph and a higher 6.8% ABV than Sierra Nevada’s Pale Ale, a new batch of this brew is released each holiday season retailing for $10.99/6pk (at CNG).

Rusty in color, the aromas of orange, lemon and grains along with some floral notes promise big hop bitterness. When making first contact with the tongue this beer is gentle, mellow, but soon cuts loose to reveal nearly astringent pine flavored hops.
Not bad, but could use more malt to balance the prickly hop tastes.

Terrapin Big Hoppy Monster

Just in time for Halloween, Terrapin releases the next issue of its Monster Beer Tour 2006, Big Hoppy Monster. Packing an 8% ABV score, this is an amber colored beast of a beer with hops as monstrous as the name implies.

Beneath a nosefull of citrus and grain lie aromas of chocolate and coffee beans. Baked caramel apple tastes help control the abnormally long-lasting, tingly citrus hop sensation.

I wish this one were brewed year-round (Fall Release Only – $10.99/4pk at CNG).

Stone Arrogant Bastard Ale

Arrogant Bastard’s label claims “You’re not worthy,” and continues to express why the brew is too good for most people. The aggressive styling and cool artwork make the 550ml bottle alone worth $5.99 (CNG).

Out of the bottle this 7.2% ABV brew is amber in color smelling of orange peel and grains. Flavors of raw malts and caramel prepare the tongue for a volcanic eruption of highly spiced hops that doesn’t back down and pairs well with rich robust dishes. Diabolically good.

November marks the release of the supercharged Double Bastard and 6 packs of Oaked Arrogant Bastard.


About the Author

The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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