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Steered Straight Thrift

Take your look to the next level with creative accessories

So, you want to be the next fashionista? The next trend-setter? The next fashion icon?

The first rule to follow is simple, yet true: Don’t follow trends. Wear what is comfortable to you, what says to everyone, “This is me!” Choose accessories that reflect your personality. This style says who I am without even saying a word!”

Pearls equal a classic, sophisticated, clean beauty. Diamonds are, and always will be, a girl’s best friend. But, to set yourself apart, you need to have a style?or one certain signature look.

We all know the hot colors for this fall are auburns and purples. But, be bold, stand out! And, if you are anything like me, you will be the only one in that crowd wearing yellow or white with lots of accessories.

Fashion is one of the best ways to express yourself without even speaking a single word. And, my rule: The more, the merrier.

I can suggest two distinct accessory packages for the upcoming season: If you are laid-back, free-spirited, and like the idea of sitting around a camp fire with your friends and your guitar, then the bohemian look (top) is for you. Earth tones, bangles, and most of all?layers upon layers! With this look, too much is never enough. Short, long, fat, thin necklaces all fit together perfectly.

Paired with flared jeans, a crochet top and buttoned belt, you can recreate the ’70s. (Of course, your guitar would complete the look.)

If you like to make a more bold statement and have more of an edge, the above assortment of rock-inspired accessories is sure to set you apart.

You can pair larger jewels with simple, yet sharp beads. Throw in tall black boots and an Iggy Pop T-shirt, and you will gain respect from everyone around you . . . simply because you are speaking your mind without even opening your mouth.


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The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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