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Steered Straight Thrift

Thank You For Smoking

Nick Naylor (Eckhart) is the “Sultan of Spin,” according to his 12-year-old son, Joey, and it is likely that everyone would agree. Naylor’s job as a lobbyist for big tobacco requires him to defend and further the reputation of an addictive and deadly substance.

Thank You for Smoking is not only a satire about the cigarette industry, it also mocks the cynical and slippery side of democracy. Reitman’s use of the son as a tool to have Naylor explain the inner workings of lobbying as well as his general views of life, morality and democracy is subtle and highly effective.

It begins with Naylor helping his son with a homework assignment on the subject of “Why is the American government the best government?” This is the opening for Naylor to explain exactly how his job is done. Questions like these have no factual answer, he explains, and asks the qualifications for “the best government.” On crime, literacy and health care, the American government falls way short. With questions like these, you get to come up with your own criteria and “bull shit,” which is more or less the foundation upon which his working philosophy is built.

During another lesson with the son, Naylor explains that winning an argument isn’t only proving your side right, it’s easier and more effective to prove the other side wrong. If you can do this, then you must be right. Naylor uses this strategy to handle the attacks on tobacco made by his nemesis, Sen. Ortolan Finistirre (Macy), who runs a campaign to have poison labels put on cigarette packs.

Characters like Naylor make for easy villains. The son causes us to remember that Naylor is human and therefore empathize with him to some degree, even though we realize that he is peddling sins for the devil.

Thank You for Smoking is a film that can be watched repeatedly. It is obvious on the first viewing that every scene and element were heavily scrutinized and thought out, and that is certainly appreciated.


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