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Steered Straight Thrift

Interesting Folks

Documentary filmmakers have the ability to introduce us to interesting people who we may have been unfamiliar with otherwise. It is equally nice when they are offered with engaging stylistic choices that enhance the overall work.



Hybrid is a wonderful documentary about Milford Beeghly and his dedication to hybrid corn by filmmaker/animator Monteith McCollum. Milford is grandfather to Monteith.

The film has the tag lines, “High Yields, Stiff Stalks” and “One Man’s Passion for Corn.” The film is paced so you actually have a chance to contemplate nature, right along with the 100-year-old farmer as he walks through his rows. The animations and cinematography really add to the overall aesthetic of the film. A great introspective of a man, and quite possibly the best documentary about corn to date.

First Person

First Person

The television show “First Person” was the brain child of master documentarian Errol Morris. Every episode is a short documentary based on an interview with a relatively unknown, yet interesting, person. The subject is filmed with a patented device created by Morris called the Megatron. It houses up to 20 cameras, for as many angles. Morris keeps constant eye contact during the the interview with a series of two-way mirrors. The results are very stylistic and are as interesting to watch as the individuals being interviewed.

The episode with Denny Fitch entitled, “Leaving the Earth,” may be his finest work to date. It is too bad that it is no longer on the air, but the complete series is offered on DVD.

Until next time, I hope you have a great viewing experience.  Comments are welcomed at


About the Author

Norbert made Murfreesboro, Tenn., his home in 1997. He conceived the Living Room Cinema column in 2006, and submits them regularly to the Murfreesboro Pulse. Aside from his love of films, Norbert is also an avid photographer. He is the very proud father of two, he beats on an old guitar, and plays a dicey game of Chess at best. Like Living Room Cinema at

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