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Steered Straight Thrift

Rat Race: All Hail to the King Vermin

By Brian G. Reynolds
No doubt about it, the rat race is well underway.
The phrase, the lesser of two evils, does not even begin to describe the intolerable phase we are forced to pursue during this segment of human existence. Just how can we endure while the concentration is upon the extremists of both the Left and Right.
To be honest with you, I really despise both sides. They are both so caught up with their special interests and hegemony that their breath wreaks of fecal discharge.
Lets face it. Hillary Clinton will most likely be the Democratic nominee for president. That part is easy. Her party loves her. She fits the profile of a politician who can easily push a party agenda. And more than likely, her party will take charge of at least one of the two houses of Congress in November. However, what do the American People think of this woman?

I think it’s safe to say the majority of Americans believe a Hillary presidency would be much like a Bill presidency. This is nonsense. Hillary is nothing but a pawn for her party and would socialize any program she could get into her grasp. Just look at the pork-barrel healthcare initiative that she pushed for in New York. Inquiring minds can check it out for themselves.
Enough with that. Lets move a little to the Right.
I hate them too.
Georgie Boy and Billy Bob Frist have truly ruined their party. THANK GOD, ELOHIM, JEHOVAH and ELVIS! Another decade of the Christian Right ruling the majority of the?well, government as a whole?would result in a catastrophe that would make the Mt. St. Helen’s disaster look like a splash in the toilet.
In order for the Republicans to recover from this fecal situation, they must turn to the center. None of them really want to do this. This wouldn’t be conservative. Conservatives are Right?far Right, as a matter of fact.
I have a whim the Conservative Right is going to base their campaigns on illegal immigration, gay marriage, and?as always?their precious pro-life movement. Great! I predict that they will lose their asses if they run on this soapbox that they have stood on for the past 15 years. By the way, I am clairvoyant, you see. I’ve managed to score 20 and 1 since 1988 (I only lost the Sasser-Frist caucus). So if you don’t believe me, just wait and see, my friend.
John McCain (R-Ariz.) is the only hope for the Republicans as far as the presidency goes. Although I continue to have difficulties in the area of his wiring, I think he might be the guy.
McCain is truly moderate. He really shouldn’t have a “D” or an “R” by his name because he continues to piss people off on both sides. I see this as a good thing. A little depolarization in this country wouldn’t hurt, would it?
I like the guy?even if he is a Republican.
The sad thing is the GOP will have a very hard time nominating the only man that has a chance in hell to crumble the two-family system (Clinton/Bush) just because he has an IQ above the 100 mark, unlike his redneck predecessor.
The only thing that worries me about McCain is his recent inconsistency with the American public involving the amnesty act and the Dubai-Port controversy.
Let’s move on to Billy Bob. Why he is even attempting to run is beyond me. After casting his vote for amnesty (although he consistently argues that it is not) he has also alienated his constituency. To pull some numbers out of thin air, I would guess that around 90 percent of Republicans are conservatives. Give or take a few?it’s just a rough estimate. Out of those conservatives, most of them homo-sapient, maybe 95 to 100 percent of them disagree with illegal immigration. Do the math.
I met Billy Bob once. It was in 1998. I was a junior
in high school, and it was
shortly after he won his would-be throne in the Senate. I hate to admit it, but I was a Republican at the time, but still took pride in neither voting for him nor liking him, for that matter. I was one of the select few who were able to listen to his Clinton-bashing speech and ask questions. One by one my degenerate colleagues sugared him with numskull questions that a child could answer. So I decided to give
him an equally simple question, only with a little Tabasco in it.
“Mr. Frist, why is it that you decided to give up your medical practice, where you
were saving lives, to become a politician?” I asked.
He dodged my direct question, that’s for sure. Then he rambled on about how he was now saving lives by being a representative of the people. He then unsheathed his sword again for more Clinton bashing.
You might be wondering why I’m focusing so much on the Republican Party. The only person that I haven’t mentioned is Sen. George Allen (R-Virg.) and that is because I?like most Americans?know so little about him. Like I said before, Hillary will be the democratic nominee. Kerry will probably run again. But he might as well cover himself in his own president-would-be death shroud, should he try. The Left loves Hillary. As for the Right?hell, it’s up for grabs.
I also want to state that the popular (now nationally-syndicated) radio talk-show host, Phil Valentine, is dead wrong about Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.) regaining his senatorial seat in Connecticut. Valentine has some wild hallucination that Connecticut has a reddish-blue tint to it. For as long as I can remember Connecticut has not only gone blue, but navy blue.
The Republican Party cannot run Bill Frist and win this election. Too many Americans see him as a Bush yes man, and rightfully so. He cannot pull off a successful campaign and then lean back on his special interests (just like Bush) like we all know he will do. In the words of former senator and presidential candidate Bob Dole, “You know it. I know it. And the American People know it.” Billy Bob may be a successful surgeon, but Hillary is a much better politician than he could ever imagine. Love her or hate her, anyone with two cents in their head has to admit that she is a brilliant political machine. There will be no Carl Rove for these guys to hide behind this time. Hillary alone eats pieces of crap like Rove for breakfast. The Right underestimates Hillary, while the Left has way too much confidence in her.
If the GOP is smart they will run McCain. Honestly, he does have his flaws. But unlike Georgie Boy or Billy Bob, he is an honest man that has communication skills rivaling those of Ronald Reagan. His ability to connect with swing voters, along with his middle-of-the-road political philosophy will prove him to be a well-qualified rat to gnaw at Hillary’s political platform.
Neither party understands that the American people don’t want to be polarized. The objective of both parties is to brainwash their constituents into extremism. I think it’s fair to say that the American people do not want this. The sad thing about it is that we can see this negative discourse beamed into our homes minute by minute. It’s not about voting for the best person for the job anymore. You either love America or you hate America. All black and white.
So let the rat race begin!


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