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Steered Straight Thrift

Gagflex: Mexico, Money and some pointless drivel

Nashville Metro Councilman Eric Crafton’s idea of making English the official language of metro government combined with the idea of putting a 700-mile fence on the Mexican border are sure to solve all the problems of illegal immigration.

Either that or both dumb ideas are acts of political posturing designed to waste time and money.

Crafton’s English-only bill comes before the council Oct. 17, and won’t make a bit of difference. Not a positive difference anyway. It’s not as if on the day it passes all illegal immigrants are going to simultaneously start learning English or go home. Most have struggled hard to make it as far as they have and aren’t going to be deterred by a few problems of English comprehension.

If the bill’s going to cause anyone problems, it’ll be the government workers. So get ready to expand your patience, because that wait in line at the government office might take a bit longer. And the bill isn’t just a shot at illegal immigrants. You have to be a permanent resident in the United States for five years before becoming a naturalized citizen. So those people who are becoming legal residents are also facing the brunt of this fear-fueled nonsense.

The fear that I’m talking about is the fear of losing one’s culture. It’s sort of the same idea of that bitter person who complains about the world going to hell and reminisces about the good old days.

Bill O’Reilly is one of those guys. His new book is titled Culture Warrior, and I do believe the world might actually be going to hell if that pasty pundit can consider himself a warrior. And since he is a self-proclaimed warrior, he needs wars to fight?and if there aren’t any wars, he’ll simply create them.

O’Reilly didn’t create this fear tactic; he’s just taking a page from the old McCarthy workbook. Whether it’s the war against communism, or the accusations of a liberal war on Christmas, these tactics are designed to make white people fear that their way of life is under attack.

The fact is, our way of life is under attack. And the culprit isn’t liberalism, atheism or immigration, it’s time. American culture is in constant flux from one generation to the next. So it’s fairly natural for people to be pissed that the world that they once knew is changing before their eyes. This is a fact of life that won’t be changed by political idiocy like the English-only bill. Hispanics are the largest minority in the U.S., and the population will continue to grow despite the rising racist sentiment against them.

If our government actually cared enough to try to stop illegal immigration, they wouldn’t bother wasting time with increasing fence sizes and language barriers. If they really wanted to put a dent in illegal immigration they would go after companies who hire illegal aliens. But that won’t happen because above all, capitalism rules. If stopping illegal immigration means that many companies will have to start paying decent wages, then you can expect many more years of pointless arguments like these.

One thing in the U.S. that’ll never change is pure greed.


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