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Steered Straight Thrift

Pulse picks top Halloween movies

Halloween is just around the corner. When we aren’t planning costumes or parties, it’s always fun to curl up with a good creepy movie to get into the spirit.

This is the official Pulse list of the best horror films since the ’70s. If we tried to compile a list of the best ever well, we could be here all day.

It’s a tough call, because everyone looks for something different in their horror choices. I tried to take that into consideration, as well as other factors. We’ve broken it down to a few lists in order to cover all the good stuff.

First, the classics. If you haven’t seen these movies, stop what you’re doing now and run directly to the video store.

1. Amityville Horror
2. The Exorcist
3. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
4. Night of the Living Dead
5. Halloween
6. Nightmare on Elm Street
7. Friday the 13th
8. The Shining
9. Hellraiser
10. Poltergeist

Now for the best among contemporary films. Between all the gore-fests and remakes, it’s hard to tell what’s good and what’s best left on the floor of the editing rooms. Although good things can be said about the newest Texas Chainsaw flicks or the Omen remake, for the sake of argument, there will be no remakes on this list of modern horror classics, excepting a few Japanese films which are included alongside their American counterparts.

1. Scream
2. House of 1000 Corpses/
The Devil’s Rejects
3. Ju-On/The Grudge
4. Jeepers Creepers
5. Saw series
6. The Skeleton Key
7. 28 Days Later
8. Ringu/
The Ring
9. Hostel
10. High Tension

For those of you that like a little humor with your blood and guts, The Pulse proudly presents the list of humorous and satirical horror films to break up the monotony of zombies and creepy little kids.

1. Shaun of the Dead
2. Fright Night
3. Evil Dead II
4. House
5. Saturday the 14th
6. Dead Alive
7. Pandemonium
8. Leprechaun
9. Cannibal: The Musical
10. Scary Movie

Special thanks to the crew at Hollywood Video and David Crockett


About the Author

The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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