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Steered Straight Thrift


Early voting has already begun for our U.S. Senator, Tennessee governor and a provision that could amend the state constitution to define marriage as strictly between a male and female. (But what about cat and dog unions?)

It’s really the only way our government responds to the will of the people, by allowing the people the right to select their representatives. It’s a republic. If you care, vote for who you want.

Well, it looks like the NCAA champ won’t come from the SEC this year after Florida’s defeat. Nor will it likely come from the Big 12, Mr. Taylor. We’re just waiting for the Ohio State/Michigan showdown now.

If anyone thinks they got a handle on the NFL, try to beat the Train (see below).

The Christmas decorations and sales are beginning to come out in some of our local establishments, and it’s not even Halloween yet. I remember the good ole days when Christmas was about retailers making money off Jesus, now it just seems the holiday is about making money.

Speaking of Halloween, all the kids are going for the newspaper editor costumes this year. Strange.

No matter if they’re left out for Santa, Halloween treats, Super Bowl snacks or cookout favorites, Big Fella’s Sticky Icky Wings are perfect for any occasion. And now, dear reader, you have the recipe, on page 8.


Bracken Mayo,
Editor in Chief

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The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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