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Steered Straight Thrift

Darnell Levine: We Gon’ Use What We Got

Darnell Levine’s album can be described as a bit of jazz and a bit of soul, but categorization should be kept to a minimum. The album should instead be described as musical.

Listening to Darnell Levine’s first major album release is a pleasure. It begins smooth and cool, and stays that way throughout at least an hour and four minutes of its hour-and-seven-minute length (the rest is a slightly silly conversation about shirts).

True to its title, Darnell begins the album by using what he’s got. The music kicks in with a track that blends sounds and textures made almost entirely by Darnell.

The only instruments involved are a piano and a kick drum. Nevertheless, the track grooves, and it sets the feel for an album that playfully uses some completely new, some classic and some modern tones to achieve a great overall experience.

The word playful seems to apply to a good deal of the album. The fourth track “First Impressions” and the eighth track “Married Now” are just plain fun. Some other tracks like six, “Try Him,” and 14 “Breakthrough” stray from the playful attitude, but they are definitely good. “Breakthrough” is exceptionally powerful. It leaves you entranced with its powerful groove and amazing message.

In all cases, the songs are presented as parts of a cohesive collection of music. Darnell’s personality shines through, and combined with his amazing vocal abilities, the album leaves you feeling great.

Equally notable, Darnell has gathered an amazing group of musicians to help him perform his songs. His live performance is not to be missed.


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