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Steered Straight Thrift

Final Fantasy XII

Platform: PS2
Publisher/Developer: Square Enix
ESRB Rating: Teen, Genre: Role-Playing

4 Pulses

Since 2001’s Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy fans have been waiting for a “real” FF game. Since then Square Enix has given us a few spin offs such as Final Fantasy X-2 (a direct sequel to FFX), the massively multiplayer online game Final Fantasy XI, and the third-person shooter Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus, just to name a few. Although these games were pretty good games (FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus was decent), two years after it was initially supposed to come out, Final Fantasy XII has finally arrived and may be a little shocking to some long-time fans of the series.
The opening scene to FFXII gives gamers a glimpse of how beautiful the world of Ivalice really is. The world of Ivalice looks and feels very European, almost like medieval times. Although it may seem foreign, Ivalice is a very welcoming place with plenty of exploring to do. The environment feels very different than any other FF game I’ve ever played which gives it a fresh experience. Even though they are current-gen graphics, the visuals in this game are totally breathtaking. Easily one of the best looking games ever on the PS2.
Along with this beautiful world and great graphics, there’s got to be a wonderful story behind it all. FFXII’s plot is pretty easy to follow (besides all the politics involved) and is quite entertaining. The characters in the game are very different than characters in past FF games. For some odd reason, I don’t really feel a connection with FFXII’s protagonist Vaan as I did with FFVII’s Cloud or FFX’s Tidus. I guess you can say the characters in FFXII seem a little, well, plain to me. Although the story and the characters work well together, compared to stories and characters of past FF games, FFXII doesn’t seem to have much emotional impact.
So, the world is beautiful and the story is compelling, but what about the gameplay? This is where some FF fans might get discouraged. Unlike past FF games, FFXII doesn’t warp players to a separate battle screen, but instead allows battles to take place directly on the field. Yes, you can actually see enemies on the screen before you battle them. As enemies appear, your party can target them. You will attack then run around the enemy until your action meter fills up again. Many FF fans will miss the classic turn-based battle system, but I don’t think you’ll be disappointed too much.
Although the battles might feel a little repetitive and dull at first, once you’re introduced to the two new gameplay systems, you’ll feel different about it. The License Board and Gambit system really deepens FFXII’s battle experience. The License Board lets you completely customize your fighter’s abilities. It’s a lot like FFX’s Sphere Grid, just a little more in-depth, and less user-friendly.
The Gambit system is unlike anything I’ve seen in a FF game. It allows players to set up their party member’s action in battle. All members of your party will correspond to what gambits are on their list?attack enemies, heal allies and cast spells?without you having to interrupt. Although it may seem like the computer is doing all the work for you, planning and knowing what gambits to use in certain situations is the key to success.
Final Fantasy XII is one of the best role-playing games I’ve ever played. Although it took Square Enix a while, the wait was definitely worth it. Besides the already notable visuals, story and characters, FFXII’s gameplay is what really stands out. Square Enix took a risky chance at changing something that has been solid for so many years, but they succeeded. Some of the fans will love this new direction, but others may not enjoy it so much. As for me, I’m trying to use any free time I have to play this game. If you didn’t enjoy the game, guess you’ll have to wait for Final Fantasy’s next-gen debut, Final Fantasy XIII on the PS3.


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