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Steered Straight Thrift

Happy Holidays

Dear Readers:

Well here you have it, the last issue of the year.
It doesn’t seem like that long ago when a group of writers trying to make something good happen met at Liquid Smoke planning the first full-scale issue.
Since then The Pulse has shown thousands the huge variety of restaurants, musicians, artists and creative writers Murfreesboro has to offer.

Come kick it with us at the Bluesboro on Wednesday, Dec. 20, as Penguin, Los Cobra and The Middlemen rock away any Christmas blues you may be experiencing.
Also, look for a special Pulse anniversary showcase in January, set to feature some of the top artists featured in the paper in 2006.

A thanks to all businesses carrying The Pulse over the past year, giving us a voice, a place to reach the people of the ’Boro.

Since I do typically write these letters on Sunday afternoons while watching football, a shout out to Vince Young. Nice run son. Doing it in Texas.
And Rob Bironas the week before. I was there, in the cold. For the longest field goal in franchise history. Against the Colts. To win the game. Historic.
It might be too little too late for the Titans this year, though. Chances of making the playoffs, highly improbable.

We’re still waiting for someone to defeat the Z-Train. Buy that man a King Size Snickers. Y’all are going to give him a big head if you don’t beat him soon.
Watch for the Blue Raiders to represent Middle Tennessee in the Motor City Bowl on Dec. 26 vs. Central Michigan. “Nigga, Detroit is a wonderful place,” Big Fella just said in his song. Strange. So are there coincidences?

Keep checking for updates from Murfreesboro no matter where in the world you may be.
If you’d like to link your site to the new digital local entertainment headquarters, we can make that happen. E-mail us at murfreesboropulse@ and we’ll send you a special graphic to link to us.

And the physical headquarters are a reality. Come by and see us at the bottom floor of the Court Square Building located at 201 W. Main St. If anyone wants to donate any art for our bare walls it would be welcome.

Pulse stickers and shirts are in also, if you’d like to sport our beautiful logo on your chest or automobile.
If you’re ordering Papa John’s Pizza, be sure and ask them to remember The Pulse with the pizza. We’ve started a new nightly tradition: Pulse and a pizza.
Rest in peace, Fairboy. A King among canines. He was properly laid to rest last week. He lived a full, 17-year life, quite long for a dog.

As your editor and bearded fat man, I say a Merry Christmas to everyone. See you in 2007.

Bracken Mayo, Editor in Chief


About the Author

The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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