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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Nintendo has labeled the newest addition to its Zelda franchise, Twilight Princess, as “The biggest Zelda adventure of all time,” and quite frankly, they weren’t playing around.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is a huge game, expanding roughly 60 hours of gameplay. Throughout the adventure you’ll encounter the weapons, dungeons and tricky puzzles that Zelda games have always been known for. But there are a few things in this Zelda that might not be so familiar.

With the use of the Wii Remote, Twilight Princess allows players to actively get involved with most of Link’s moves. Swinging your Wii Remote and Nunchuk will wield your sword and shield. With every stroke of the Wii Remote, Link will attack with his sword. If you swing the Nunchuk attachment, Link will perform his famous spin attack.

Although most of the attacks seem elementary, mastering Links moves and weapons will be key to getting through dungeons and defeating bosses.

Another great way the Wii Remote is used is simply by aiming at the screen with the pointer. Using weapons like the Slingshot, Boomerang or the Bow and Arrow, will require players to point at the screen with the Wii Remote and actually aim at targets.

For the most part Twilight Princess feels and plays like a Zelda game. That is until you enter the twilight. I won’t get too much into the story, since it is a 60-hour game and all, but the Hyrule Kingdom is being covered by unnatural darkness?this is where things start to get different.

When Link enters the twilight he is instantly transformed into a wolf. As a wolf, most of Link’s movements and attacks are the same, but you’ll also be able to use other tricks like a sensing ability and digging into the ground.

Don’t be surprised if you get asked, “You’re playing Zelda?” while playing as a wolf. I’ve already been asked a dozen or so times.

If you haven’t purchased a Nintendo Wii for whatever reason, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is a big enough reason to get one. Given what the Wii has to offer graphically, Twilight Princess is gorgeous. Every hour is thrilling and you’ll never feel an empty part of the game. For those of you who thought that Nintendo could never make a better Zelda game than Ocarina of Time (N64), you better get your mind right and prepare for the biggest Zelda adventure ever.


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