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Steered Straight Thrift

Wii Sports

Platform: Nintendo Wii
Publisher/Developer: Nintendo
Genre: Sports
ESRB Rating: E
3 Pulses

With the release of their new console, the
Wii, Nintendo included the simple and fun Wii Sports for gamers to pick up on Nintendo’s new way of gaming.

Wii Sports is packed with five sports mini-games that get players actively involved as though they were really playing the sport. The mini-games are Bowling, Baseball, Tennis, Boxing and Golf. All the games are pretty simple and just about anyone can play. Whether you’re a hardcore gamer or someone who never plays, Wii Sports can be fun.

My favorite mini-game on Wii Sports is Bowling. You start off by holding the Wii-mote upright and holding the B button. When you’re ready to bowl you just swing your arm as though you’re really bowling and let go of the B button. Remember to let go of the button, not the Wii-mote or you could probably end up with a busted TV.

The game is really easy to learn, but once you know how to play there are a few tricks to make you better. And just like in real bowling, the mini-game allows you to put a spin on the ball by twisting your wrist left or right.

The other Wii Sports mini-game I spend most of my time on is Baseball. When you’re up to bat, it really feels as though you’re swinging at the ball. Timing really matters if you’re looking to hit that homerun, but anyone can have a blast playing.

The game is a pretty simple baseball game. You only get to bat and pitch because the entire outfield is controlled by the A.I. This game is a reminder of what to look forward to with future baseball games and other sports games for the Wii.

The other mini-games are fun but seem to get too repetitive (Tennis), too sensitive (Golf), or have the right idea but just misses (Boxing). Even though you can think of Wii Sports as a “free demo,” Nintendo’s idea to package it with the Wii was great. It’s been so long, I don’t even remember the last time a game was included with a console. Wii Sports allows players to really get a feel for the new Wii-mote and to see how the Nintendo Wii functions as a console. And the best thing about Wii Sports is that, well, it’s free.


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