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Steered Straight Thrift

Slight Agitation

In a haste to define myself through the haze of my post-teenage confusion, I have come to the conclusion my life must be dedicated to circumvent what government has become in my beloved country, the USA.

The government has become overtly political, and obviously unproductive. Politicians spend millions of dollars and countless minutes bickering about ridiculous and wasteful policies. Just recently, congressional sessions were dedicated to the bickering over what size airplane our speaker of the house would be allowed to use for her travels. Her reasoning was that the previous speaker was given the same privileges. Obviously, while equality is important, logic is more significant in helping our country. (Perhaps, the speaker should consider walking to help reduce our dependency on foreign oil).

Mindless policies create blissful waste for millions of who would rather sit and do nothing other than bitch to their friends about the problems of our government.

And while it can certainly still be said our country is the most free, the most brave, and provides the most opportunities; it can also be said our people are the most complacent, the most wasteful, the most sheep-like and the most inactive in the world.

Part of the Bible discussed talents. That same part of the Bible discussed how wasting talents (hiding your little light), was equivocal to sin. This is where our great country has faltered, and we see countries with far less talent, far less freedom, and far fewer resources bettering us in industry, trade, economic growth rates and other fields. It seems the best we can brag about is the sizes of our bellies and our wastefulness has exceeded any culture in history.

And though the people are certainly at fault, the policies our government have in place are equally to blame. Our decisions and freedoms are taken from us, in many cases based on a broad-sweeping appeal based on personal safety. But I would appeal to you; personal freedoms are no equal trade for personal safety.

Government policies go far beyond ridiculous in many other areas. Examples of dependencies on fossil fuel-based energy sources are rampant. Currently, our country abounds in resources and land that could produce fuels both cleaner and more efficient than those we pay for extraneously today. And they are cheaper. As examples, biofuels made from corn, sugar, animal waste and hundreds of other naturally created products are being discarded and forgotten. That means billions of dollars are being spent on foreign fuel; billions that could be reinvested into American markets.

These billions have far reaching consequences. The consequences could be your brother’s life or your friend’s life. So far there have been 3,123 U.S. troops killed and 45,798 injured. (I haven’t been able to find any major news media networks who reported these statistics. I wonder why?)

The point is, there are resources we have wasted over and over again that could have completely kept us out of the situation in the Mid-East in the first place.

Additionally, our government’s current policies regarding marijuana are completely without logic and cost our country billions. According to reports by CNN and ABC news, Marijuana was the No. 1 cash crop in America last year. Yet it is illegal. Why isn’t our country making money off of it? In addition, marijuana has been proven to have many medical and psychological benefits. Benefits that are natural and proven throughout history to do less harm than the millions of legal drugs we see on the markets today. These benefits are being exchanged for a multitude of horrible drugs made by huge companies that do nothing to cure people’s ills, but instead get them hooked on products that endlessly treat symptoms.

Back to energy . . . hemp is a brother of marijuana. It has no psychoactive properties, and is completely harmless. Yet our government still outlaws it. And for what reason? Perhaps because hemp can yield tremendous amounts of fuel that could be used to propel automobiles. Maybe because it helps make oils that are good for our skin. How about its having countless uses in almost every important industry America has.

Go ahead, do the research. Look it up. Read about it and study it . . . if you got the guts. I would doubt you would though seeing you are an American?one that has learned it is better to be complacent and let injustice reign than to fight. Go smoke your pot and bleed yourself dry of what our forefather’s passed to you. Our politicians will be proud. The dissent which you so proudly smoked has turned into a greenish apathy that floats into the atmosphere in a cloud.

SOLUTION: Study harder. Inform yourself. Actually write your senators. Get involved.

How can government be of the people, by the people and for the people if you aren’t involved? Are you sheep?


About the Author

The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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