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Steered Straight Thrift

Three bands contribute to making the local scene great

Anyone not at the Bluesboro Rhythm and Blues Co. on Friday, May 18, missed a show of the highest caliber.

Let me start by saying I’m glad I didn’t miss the performances by Acoustic Revolution, The Last Straw and The Incredible Heat Machine.

Acoustic Revolution brought an old-school pop feel, reminiscent of the Beatles with a modern edge. The music has an upbeat feel combined with strong political and social commentary that gives it a unique dynamic?very clean well crafted songs.

Band founder John Salaway shined in this ensemble of musicians as he sang, played drums and guitar throughout the set.

However, Salaway had little chance to rest, as he is also the drummer for The Last Straw.

The Last Straw kicked off its set with their original song “Down the Line,” a powerful rock anthem about the residents of New Orleans and hurricane Katrina. This song to me is an indication of where the future of Southern rock lies. Bassist Justin Pickle and Salaway lay down a rhythm section much tighter than a tiger. Added to that, Quincy Meeks pulls double duty on the slide guitar and harmonica and Adam Botner plays the keys. Kyle Daniel completes this line up on lead guitar and vocals. Daniel won the Southern Kentucky Blues challenge in 2004 at the age of 17 and then went on the next year to finish as a finalist in the International Blues Challenge in Memphis out of a field of over 500 contestants. Several times I thought this guy was gonna sprain something in his face bearing down so hard on a solo with such intensity and ability rarely seen these days.

Only four months into existence, these guys have a big future ahead.

The final band of the evening was The Incredible Heat Machine. The Heat Machine took the stage and didn’t let up for the rest of the night. The Heat Machine boasts a stellar rhythm section of their own with Ray Dunham on drums and Keegan Povlovic on bass. The band, rounded out with local veterans Jeremy Pinell on lead vocals and guitar, Rob Knugg on Keys and John Turner on guitar, unveiled some new material that all Heat Machine fans should be excited about.

The Heat Machine is a band that’s been around for awhile, and they represent what what makes the music scene in Murfreesboro so special. On any given night you can go out to one of the many venues in town and catch a band that rivals any major act out there today.

Catch The Last Straw and the The Incredible Heat Machine together again July 4 at at The Pulse’s Inaugural Independence Day Bash at the Boro Bar and Grill, along with T.H.B., Sky Hi, Penguin, and others. Look for more details in the next issue.


About the Author

For any questions regarding higher education, visit or e-mail independent education advisor Mack H. Williams IV, M.Ed., at

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