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Steered Straight Thrift

Gagflex: Guns, Executive Privilege and the Big Bird

This may be the worst column I’ve ever written. I’ve been writing the Gagflex column since before the U.S. invaded Iraq, and I don’t think I’ve ever faced a mental conundrum like the one I’ve had with this column.

The problem is I feel the need to write about national politics, but there’s such a perpetual stream of mind-boggling political nonsense that it’s like choosing which house fire is more important to write about.

I think the perfect storm came about during my weekly reminder of just how much contempt a government can have for its own people. A small headache developed when I was watching Karl Rove’s aide, Scott Jennings, testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Jennings is an aide to a presidential aide. It doesn’t seem like a giant role, but when he was asked the simple question “What is your job” he claimed exemption because of executive privilege.

This man is a public servant who gets paid with our tax dollars, and we’re not even allowed to know what he does. It brings back memories of Dick Cheney’s Energy Task Force, and how we weren’t allowed to know who was on the task force or who they met with.

Executive privilege is the apparent overall bird finger to anyone who becomes curious about details that might embarrass the administration. If you want a gauge of how shameless these people are, just look at the fact that they are claiming executive privilege over Pat Tillman’s military records.

Just what is it that they don’t want us to know? The obvious answer is anything; I’m pretty sure they’d be happy if we’re all left behind, blind and unaware of their misdeeds and how much we are being exploited for their personal gain.

And about the same time that I was watching all this nonsense, I was reading about the money that we are giving to other nations for “security purposes.” According to The New York Times, Bush has pledged to give $80 million to the Palestinian Authority, and also to give $30.4 billon to Israel over the next 10 years. On top of that they’re attempting to make a $13 billion arms deal with Egypt, and a $20 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia. Surely I’m not the only person to think that it might be a bad idea for us to sell satellite-guided bombs to Saudi Arabia. On the bright side, it might give us a chance to test that faulty missile defense system that we’ve spent billions on.

So you’ll have to forgive me for the scatter-brained column. My mind has been entrenched in political scum overload from re-realizing how little my government actually cares about the people in this country. If they actually cared they would invest in a universal health care system instead of bombs for other countries. And if they actually cared they would treat our country like a democracy instead of using the presidency as an exercise in totalitarianism.

I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but its worse than 1984. Big Brother isn’t after us at all; Big Brother has no consideration for us whatsoever.


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