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Steered Straight Thrift

Life goes on, even if you aren’t looking

My friend Alan died last week. I met Alan, his wife Marilyn and their children when I was in the art gallery business so many years ago. We had such good times together.

His death announcement came in a short, one-sentence e-mail from a family member. The subject of the e-mail said SAD NEWS. Alan had lost his battle to cancer. Not so unusual since cancer is a modern disease. But for me it was unexpected to hear about a friend passing away too soon. Losing a friend conjures up memories of more carefree times. However, we never know when there is no more time left.

So with my friend’s death came another Aha moment . . . Life Goes on Even If you Are Not Looking.

Most people never think of loss until it happens. We experience loss in so many ways. We lose keys, glasses, money, sleep, a poker, or a sports game. We lose jobs, houses, cars, businesses and personal possessions through natural calamities, accidents or poor judgement. I can only think of one thing most people don’t mind losing and that is weight. Life goes in cycles and material possessions can be regained. You can always get another job, car, house, keys, glasses, or business. The two things we lose that we can never get back are people and time.

Love is lost when we lose people whether it is your parents, a sibling, a favorite uncle, aunt or cousin, or perhaps “the love of our life.” In this busy life, it can be easy to take people and time for granted. I wished I had spoken to Alan before he died. All I could do was plant some trees in his memory. Seemed a little too late. It is a true lesson for me. I will now keep in contact with people. I will remember to thank kindnesses received, rebuild bridges that have been torn down, rekindle love and affection that have lost its way, nourish friendships, and make sure that nothing has been left unsaid. I will always find the time.

Our outlook on life, how we handle unfortunate situations, is the only thing we have in our control. When you see dandelions do you see weeds or flowers? When you hear music, do you really hear and feel the beat that you want to sing or dance? When the wind is blowing in your face, do you brace yourself against it or feel its life force?

Life does go on whether or not we are paying attention. I think people tend to forget that life is for living and doing it well, to the fullest. Put that extraordinary effort in the ordinary. Make great memories with your time and people. Encourage the growth of the neglected areas in your life. Evolve new perspective or purpose in life. Life doesn’t care if you take action or live and grow. It will go on without you. Time is gift . . . use it wisely.

If you ask me what I came into the world to do, I will tell you I came to live out loud.

? Emile Zola, Journalist and Novelist

Daisy Villa is a local yoga teacher. The practice of yoga has reinforced her belief to live a life that encourages health, wellness, fitness and to protect our environment.


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