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Tone with a TurboSonic like an astronaut

It is common knowledge, since man has ventured into outer space, that astronauts are in a constant state of weightlessness. The human body cannot withstand long periods of weightlessness without suffering ill effects, such as lower bone density and muscle weakness.

So what is the “secret” that makes it possible for our astronauts to spend months or even a year in a weightless environment? The answer is Whole Body Vibration Therapy.

Joyce Victory, a good friend of mine and a native of Murfreesboro, is a health consultant whose mission is to help educate people on how to practice preventive health by changing their diet and lifestyle. Because of her creative, adventurous and curious personality, Joyce has traveled, lived and worked in places including Southern California, Japan, France, NYC and the Fiji Islands. Joyce has always been interested in nutrition and wellness. She has managed a health-food store in Murfreesboro, recently taken a Nutritional Healing Course with Clayton College of Nutrition, and is a certified colon hygienist.

Now Joyce has brought Whole Body Vibration Therapy/Technology or TurboSonic Therapy to Murfreesboro.

Murfreesboro Pulse: What is TurboSonic or whole body vibration therapy?

Joyce: Whole body vibration was first developed by the Soviet Union to condition their cosmonauts. Because of whole body vibration therapy they were able to live in space for more than a year or 420 days without suffering serious health effects. American astronauts who did not use whole body vibration therapy were only able to live in space for 120 days due to loss of bone density and muscle weakness.

I have brought the TurboSonic vibration therapy (equipment) to Murfreesboro. It provides the first effective and safe way to excite human cells by accelerating the body’s natural healing response, thus increasing cellular oxygen uptake, stimulating cellular fluid movement, facilitating cellular waste removal and enhancing cellular nutrition intake.

TurboSonic therapy is FDA approved and has been researched and developed in Germany and South Korea.

Why did you choose TurboSonic and how does it differ from other vibrational devices? Joyce: I am always looking for the most advanced technology, so I chose the TurboSonic developed by South Korean scientists. The equipment I have has seven TurboSonic training sequences designed by Korean Qi Gong Association. It directs the flow of vital energy in specific sites in the body. These scientists developed a more sophisticated patented technology that eliminated many of the earlier limitations in vibrational devices. Other vibrational devices are extremely noisy because they are motor driven and TurboSonic produces almost no audible sound. Mechanical vibration training units operate on frequencies above 20 Hz, which requires added exercise such as push-up or lifting weight while using the device. No muscular exertion is required with TurboSonic vibration. TurboSonic can be adjusted for fine-tuning or body sculpting, and muscle groups are worked selectively by varying frequencies. TurboSonic has a wider range of frequencies. Ten minutes on the TurboSonic is equal to 60 – 90 minutes of aerobic workout.

What applications does this exercise equipment have? Joyce: TurboSonic strengthens all muscles, stimulates short bursts of power required for competitive sports, dissolves excess fat and cellulite effortlessly, and tightens and thickens skin, burns lactic acid, improves body balance, flexibility and general health and improves one’s sense of well-being. In other words, it rehabilitates, revitalizes, rejuvenates the body; it helps the body to recover and heal. Turbosonic vibration therapy releases beneficial hormones and neurotransmitters like serotonin, human growth hormone, testosterone, neurotrophine, and IGF-1. This equipment slows aging, by improving blood and lymph circulation, muscular flexibility and digestion.

What are the overall benefits of TurboSonic vibration therapy? Joyce: Overall benefits include more strength and vitality, a healthier body and greater beauty. This last benefit of greater beauty attracts many people because the equipment reduces body fat and dissolves cellulite.

What specific clinical applications does TurboSonic vibration therapy have? Joyce: TurboSonic vibration therapy is used clinically for cellulite, stress, lower back pain, arthritis and rheumatism, MS/ALS, osteoporosis, excess body fat, emphysema and pelvic instability.

How do you use it? Joyce: Just stand on it.

How long is a session? Joyce: You can only use it for 10 minutes and only once a day.

How often does a person have to use it to see benefits? Joyce: For maximum results, one needs to use TurboSonic three times a week.

How much does it cost? Joyce: It is $10 a session or $100 a month for unlimited use.

I use the TurboSonic and I encourage you try out TurboSonic vibration therapy by contacting Joyce at or 545-7969. Your first visit is free, now that’s an offer you should not refuse!


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