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Steered Straight Thrift

‘Music Man,’ ‘Peach’ continue

Music tops the agenda these past two weekends in the stage theatre, as The Music Man at Center for the Arts, Sound of Music at MTSU’s Tucker Theater and James and the Giant Peach at Murfreesboro Little Theatre opened to huge audiences.

Also for one weekend, the Theatre at Patterson Park presented three great one-act plays.

The Ford family, Andrew as director and one of 40 actors, Candilyn as choreographer, and all four of their children, took part in the oh so awesome classic “The Music Man,” which continues Sept. 20 – 23. I’ve not been around this many Fords since I was at the Alexander dealership, and these were running.

David Cummings, as Professor Harold Hill, would have made Robert Preston proud. His work continues to inspire the theatre patrons of our city. He is always a joy to watch.

The show stealer, however, was young Payton McCarthy, as Winthrop Paroo. His solo was beautiful and amazing. And a welcome goes to Ms. Christina Jones, new to Murfreesboro theatre. Moving here just recently from Orlando, Fla., hers is a fresh and needed face to the stage in our city. She portrayed Marian Paroo, and did an excellent job.

The dance moves, choreography and acting in this production were awesome, and kudos to the Fords and everyone involved for making use of every inch of this stage. I also bow deeply to the Stage Manager, Sherry Sunday. Absolute fine work on this production.

At Patterson Park, I continue to enjoy the stage, and from September 7 – 9, George Manus Jr. and Raemona Little Taylor directed Ghost World with Tony Lehew and Jeff Harr; The Zoo Story with Isaac Taylor and George Manus Jr.; and Conversation At Night With A Despised Character with Jerry Bailey and Robert McAdams.

It was refreshing to see not one, but three “darker” plays, all one act, all in one weekend. The six men on stage were impressive and made you think rather than “tap your toes.” My only aggravation with this series had nothing to do with the stage, but only the empty seats in the theater. The city needs to pump up the advertising budget if they expect major success at Patterson Park, as the people working behind the theater walls are working like hell to produce some fine entertainment.

James and the Giant Peach was incredible at Murfreesboro Little Theatre. The “little” people on the stage were adults in the spotlights?they even worked as stage hands, and through it all, did not miss a beat or a line.

The 30 kids working this show (even the stage manager, 13-year-old Miranda Storvik, is to be commended for an excellent job) were superb. But much credit is due to 12-year-old Morgan Miller for several incredible solos (as a centipede, no less). I also have to mention Devin Jo Dunkley as Ladybird, John Hayes as the Grasshopper, and Alex Abell as James Trotter.

But kudos to 11-year-old Ryan Robinson as the Earthworm. He stole the show several times in comedic form, as several stage moves had the audience howling in response. My hat’s off to Ms. Jamie Storvik for directing all these wonderful kids. Sept. 20 – 23 is the final weekend, so go see it!

I was not so impressed with MTSU’s production of Sound of Music at Tucker Theater. What could have been fine entertainment looked like it was slapped together in a week.

The music was good, but it all looked hurried and thrown about as if to get something in for a back-to-school stage performance. It was not advertised, it was not your show of shows I have seen the actors at Tucker do. I have high hopes for Mother Courage the end of this month, and it runs two weeks.

I have heard through the grapevine that MTSU drama professors are telling their students not to audition or perform in the community theatres of our great town, that if they do “they will not find good acting work once they are out in the world.”

I hope this is just a rumor and not true. Just as there are fine actors on the Tucker stage, there are great actors all over this city. Go see for yourself, as 80 or so worked on the community stage just these past few weekends.


Twelfth Night

WHEN: Sunday, Sept. 30 and Monday, Oct. 1, 6 – 9 p.m.

WHERE: Murfreesboro Little Theatre

WHO: Roles available for women ages 18 – 35, and men of all ages.

Auctions will consist of cold reading from the script

Rehearsals will be held in Nashville and the production will run two weekends beginning November 30.

For more info, call (615) 418-0511 or e-mail

Kids From The ’Boro

(A singing, dance touring group)

WHEN: Sunday, Sept. 23, 1 – 3 p.m.

WHERE: The Theatre at Patterson Park

WHO: Three boys and three girls ages 8 – 12

For more information, call 893-7439, ext. 33

Best Christmas Pageant Ever

WHEN: Sunday, Sept. 30, 1 – 3 p.m. and Monday, Oct. 1, 6 – 8 p.m.

WHERE: The Theatre at Patterson Park

WHO: Roles available for 4 men, 6 women, and at least 17 children ages 8 and up

For more information, call 893-7439, ext. 33


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