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Steered Straight Thrift

Separate Politics and Entertainment

The loose pavement of I-10 into California is some of the roughest road in the U.S.. It eats cars like that dinosaur machine at monster truck shows?not that I’ve attended any of those lately.

I woke up early one recent morning and sucked back a quarter gallon of water before I could sit-up, this is a normal activity for those of us who often wake up drunk. And here I am, a couple of hours later, crossing the dusty border between Arizona’s RV suburbs and California’s elderly desert communities.

As usual I am digesting the latest punditry from slick sports radio pundits predicting a score here and an upset there. They are their own little Vegas number machines, driving the bets that obsessive gamblers bet their mortgages on. But, this time I caught something more.

Usually, a good sports radio show will delve into other topics to burn some minutes in the four or five hours of show they are charged with filling. At one of these junctures, the host leads into TV shows that he finds to be entertaining. One show mentioned was the comedy 30 Rock which includes that infamous perfect father, Alec Baldwin.

In the minutes and hours after he’d mentioned the show, a torrent of calls and e-mails stormed in. The general message was these particular people didn’t watch 30 Rock because Alec Baldwin was an America-hating liberal. And an old truth hit me I’d recently forgotten about, many obsessive sports fans are also obsessive about other things in their lives. In this case, it was politics.

To begin, you have to understand what kinds of people listen to sports: talk radio, or any talk radio for that matter. First, they are either dorks, glory days jocks, or obsessed fans that have to hear every morsel about their respective clubs. They, or we I guess, represent about five percent of the population.

And, sadly enough, those of us in the five percent club usually come with some other baggage. This would include any number of “isms” and obsessions that I will not bother to delve into here, at least at this point. Apparently on this morning it is those with political obsessions who are feeling like sending some messages to the rest of the listeners.

So they go on to rant and rave as to why they don’t watch a show because of the hosts’ beliefs or the actors’ beliefs.

The radio host replied, if you don’t watch a show, a movie, or listen to an artist or appreciate an artist because they are liberal, you ain’t got nothing to watch baby. While Hollywood is run by corporations, which from a financial stance are undoubtedly conservative, the people who write the programming, star in the shows and films, and in general are a part of all that is entertainment would eat at Castro’s house six nights a week if they could.

But the problem here is not political opinions and crazed fans, it is crazy people allowing crappy politicians to invade their lives in such a personal matter. Hello America, politics is just business, and if you can’t separate it from the rest of life, you can’t have a balanced perspective. You become a tool instead of person; you become a breathing talking point.

If it’s funny, have a laugh, if it’s exciting, get excited, don’t say “I can’t laugh at Itchy and Scratchy because I’m a vegan.”

That was my last discernable thought of the trip in. That evening I watched the Bills almost knock the smile off of dimple boy’s face, but in the world of sports there are winners, ’tweeners and losers. The Cowboys, Giants, 49-ers, Steelers and Packers are number-one squads. Yes, there have down years, but historically, they win. The Bills are the ’tweeners, right there with the Vikings, the Skins and the Bears, and maybe even Oakland. Others like Detroit and Cleveland, or Seattle are perennial C-squads. That is the just the truth.

I pondered this as I watched the game crumble into disaster for the dog and into triumph for the Cowboys. At that point, I was too drunk to be in public and I excused myself to finish things off in my Fresno hotel room.

The rest of the week reeled by with its usual Xanax-driven kind-of-haze where everything is lying in the smog of bullshit and more honest talk later at the hotel bar.

My traveling partner is a rabid conservative who only really talks about it when he is drunk. He actually believes Rudy G. is going to send the Dem’s packing. I replied, informing him I think old Rudy is a swish. This he found very shocking in spite of the fact the man appears dressed as a woman in public more times than his wife does.

Nonetheless, this week is all about the Republicans trying to fight back and gain some sort of ground. Fred Thompson hit the ground and fell through it, and more Republican men have been caught blowing their immoral buddies in the past few months than any candidate can overcome to this point. Even more important, Clinton is on fire and the idea of a Clinton in the office is the equivalent of the installation of a Stalinist regime.

Of course, that’s not the case. But perception is all that matters and these people will insist she’s Stalin even if they have to build their own gulags and imprison themselves in them.

No matter, this week’s journey has left me in Modesto, Calif., a small town you might compare to Eagleville, except grapes are the crop of choice and there are not any gas stations. I noticed a farmer on a big, green tractor leaning off of his seat, talking on a cellphone. I found that peculiar for some reason.


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The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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