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Dear Readers:

Shame on the South Carolina Democratic Party, shutting Stephen Colbert out of the primary race in that state.

Is that what democracy has become? A committee of 16 people determining if someone can run in the presidential primary? I say let the people decide.

If U.S. voters want to elect a television comedian president, they should have every legitimate avenue to do so.

They say Colbert was not recognized in the national news media as a true candidate? He is the national news media!

Plus, his presidential bid received more national coverage in two weeks than some other candidates’ campaigns received in an entire year.

In the first place, why is a legitimate campaign determined by media coverage, when the mainstream national media gives more time to Paris Hilton than most presidential candidates anyway?

The South Carolina Democratic Party Executive Committee also says Colbert didn’t actively campaign in the state.

Yet he spoke at the University of South Carolina about running for president and was actually polling higher in the state than Richardson, Kucinich and Gravel.

What a perfect example of a flawed U.S. system: a small, power-hungry group of political royalty taking the freedom of choice away from the people and tarnishing the very word “democracy” (government by the people), which their party supposedly stands so strongly for.

They’re afraid he’s going to speak some real truthiness and provide a spark that starts a fire of change. Shame on the committee, and shame on Mr. Colbert and the American people if we do not vigilantly stand up to these oligarchs.

Remember to register to vote in time to participate in Tennessee’s primary, Feb. 5.

Although everyone’s sick of the war and Bush’s supporters are dwindling, there has been no major attack on the U.S. since that September morning when it seemed Americans would have a front row view of World War III.

For better or worse, placing the U.S. military half a world away seems to draw the terrorists there and not to American soil. Keeping the Middle East in turmoil may indeed be the best thing for the U.S.

Oh well, the end times are upon us anyways. Chariots are raging in the streets, wars and rumors of wars abound, knowledge is increased, Visa is everywhere you want to be, the United Nations (one-world government) is in place, and the generation alive when Israel was reformed is about to pass. “And it shall not pass until these things are fulfilled.”


Bracken Mayo, Editor in Chief


About the Author

The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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