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Steered Straight Thrift

Farewell ’07: Our critics’ compile their list of ’07’s best movies and local sounds.

Acoustic Revolution, Acoustic Revolution

Every part of the album is planned with the utmost intricacy, leaving the listener ready for more, feeling every ounce of energy and passion. This album is a revolution. ?Jeff Russell

Don Aliquo, Jazz Folk

The music is solid, smooth and leaves the impression that you just got to listen to some people who could actually play music (a rare thing these days). ?Chris Goebel

Cabin, I Was Here

Cabin has managed to combine brilliant, dynamic sound with lyrics that are not only stimulating and provocative, but deliver a sense of rhythmic meter. The overall feeling of the album is almost euphoric as the music breaks downwards and upwards. ?Jeff Russell

Cosmic Americana Band, Adult Lessons

The passion and voice of the band are obvious, stripping down to the bare essentials to tell stories. ?Jeff Russell

Tim Culpepper, Never Look Back

The LaVergne-based singer-songwriter presents a variety of country music styles. Never Look Back is an especially solid debut that will endear listeners to Culpepper’s smooth vocals and winning way with words. ?Samantha Buttrey

Ethan Swim, Fleeting

The intricate mix of gloomy soundscapes with the feel of weighty guitar playing and prog-rock style virtuosity leaves a world of disconsolate rock. This is one of the most worthy, and experimental, albums the area has seen in quite some time. ?Jeff Russell

Organ Thief, Orphan Teeth

Surprisingly refreshing. These guys are having fun. They have amazing technical skills that are applied tastefully. ?Chris Goebel

Rachel Pearl, Love Extravagantly

For anyone curious, but scared, to try out jazz, Love Extravagantly is a great place to start. It is sweetly simplistic, but still excels artistically. ?Kristen Snyder

SkyHi, SkyHi

One of the best live acts in town, SkyHi has come close to reaching its brilliant live sound in the studio and managed to expose true enthusiasm for funky grooves and rhythmic intensity. Bring on the funk. ?Jeff Russell

Trioshift, Trioshift

With a backbone in jazz, a history lesson in rock and a series of danceable funk songs, this instrumental album offers something for everyone. Trioshift will hold the interest of any music seeker, and any type of mood. ?Kristen Snyder.


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The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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