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Want Change? Vote Ron Paul

Dear Readers:

I was considering hanging a sticker I found lying around that read “Ready for a change, Vote Democrat.”

That’s until I realized, if you, the American voter, want change, you should vote in the Republican primary.

It seems, the biggest agent of change left in the presidential race who still has a pulse is himself a member of the ruling executive party.

You want change? Vote for Ron Paul.

While the Democrats seem eager to continue fueling the system, Paul asks if the system should even be in place.

It has become not just fashionable but necessary for a serious Democratic candidate for President to join the anti-war chorus, but let us not forget that both Clinton and Edwards voted to authorize the Iraq invasion, as did their colleagues Dodd and Biden, who have since dropped out of the race. Ron Paul stood up against this reckless foreign policy and excessive spending as a member of Bush’s own party.

Obama was not a member of Congress at the time of the Iraq vote, so he can technically claim steadfast opposition. But the point remains?you want someone in the pockets of the defense industry with a proven history of standing up for them in Congress? Vote Clinton and let’s see if that hawk will take us to Iran. You want someone who’s stood up to illegal and foolish wars in Congress? Vote Paul.

You want someone who will keep funneling Americans’ money into the most inefficient, bureaucratic, sluggish organization in the world?the U.S. federal government? Vote Obama, he’s committed to creating more government agencies and welfare programs. You want someone to return this country to the individual, the entrepreneur, and let American ingenuity guide the hand of the market? Vote Paul.

It’s a sad state in which so many are standing around waiting for the government to do something to improve their lives. You want big brother? Vote Democratic. You want freedom? Vote Paul. You want someone who will continue the ill-defined, money-burning wars on drugs and terror, well, don’t vote Paul.

The good doctor’s remarkable surge has impressed many and added some excitement to the campaign, but the bloggers must keep in mind they actually have to pry themselves from their computers, face the light of day and vote.

Luckily, Tennessee holds open primaries, meaning you do not have to declare as a Republican or Democrat prior to arriving at the polling site. So, Democrats, there’s nothing stopping you from voting for change this primary season.


Bracken Mayo, Editor in Chief


About the Author

The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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