Bravo to Bill Maxwell for turning his house on Hamilton Drive into a winter wonderland with awesome Christmas lights on their house and lawn synchronized to music.
You definitely added something to the Christmas season for many.
For anyone who missed seeing this work of art, hopefully they’ll do it again next year. You pull up your car (though with everyone coming out to see it there was a bit of a wait to actually get in front of the house, but it’s worth it), tune your radio to 90.1 and take in the elaborate program as the lights dance to music by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and others.
I also went to hear Alvin and the Chipmunks sing their famous Christmas song over the holiday season at the local Carmike. I know I’m sounding like a cranky old scrooge, but the movie didn’t start until 35 minutes after the scheduled run time, and then it was Coca-Cola commercials.
You’d think after selling all that ad space they could pass on those savings to the consumer, but obviously I don’t understand the economics of the film industry, because the theater recently raised ticket prices to $8.50. Hey, if they can get away with it . . . really, I know the kind-hearted people in the film industry would love to offer something to people at a lower cost?like the good people at the Hamilton Drive home did?but they just can’t make ends meet. Why, they’re barely selling their popcorn and drinks above cost. Ha!
The tardiness and greediness, along with the mysterious disappearance of The Pulse newsstand from their lobby, makes it hard for me to recommend anyone patronizing Carmike. So there you have it, the boycott is in effect.
I know many want to boycott the BCS and demand a tournament, but, like movies, people just can’t do without their football. Hey, I’d love to see a tournament, but keep the bowl games in their traditional cities too. The Rose Bowl, Sugar Bowl, Gator Bowl and Peach Bowl could all be games in the tournament.
That’s right, I said the Peach Bowl. I’m also boycotting corporate sponsorship of bowl games. A certain chicken sandwich company who often trumpets itself as “Christian” has pirated the Peach Bowl. What’s so Christian about commercializing a sacred institution like a football bowl game?
Anyway, I guess the BCS worked this year, LSU is indeed the best team.
I understand it’s noteworthy for Sen. Obama to place first in the Iowa caucuses, but let’s not act like that seals the deal for him. In reality, it was even for the top three Democrats?he received 16 delegates, Clinton 15 and Edwards 14. I guess it is his propulsion to new media darling that is the real prize, though.
My congratulations to the national television news media in their stellar coverage of the race. They somehow manage to provide ’round-the-clock reporting without ever getting close to actually discussing the real issues.
We’re in! The Pulse has officially moved to its new location in the Walnut House. I’m excited to be a part of this establishment and nearby all of its creative energy.
With the whirlwind of paint, carpet and old Pulse issues, I’m really hoping we relocate every year.
(Dramatic, overextended pause in Borat fashion)
Bracken Mayo, Editor in Chief