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Don’t Forget Your Skin

In the world of fashion and beauty it is easy to get caught up in the newest lipstick color, skinny jeans, designer handbags and shoes, false eyelashes, highlights in hair and the list goes on and on. What is often overlooked is the care of one’s skin. This goes for both men and women.

The skin is the largest organ of the integumentary system or external covering of the body, and serves to waterproof, cushion and protect the deeper tissues, excrete wastes, regulate temperature and is the location of sensory receptors such and temperature, pain and pressure. As you can see, the skin is extremely important and needs attention.

I decided to look at the latest state-of-the-art equipment for microdermabrasion, a popular skincare treatment and get professional information about acne, a common skin problem for many people. For the latest in microdermabrasion equipment and information on acne, I turned to two of my friends. Mark Cutlip is the Tennessee and Kentucky sales representative for the Parisian Peel which is the top of the line equipment for microdermabrasion. I have had the benefit of a Parisian Peel microdermabrasion treatment. This machine is amazing. Mark’s customers include medical doctors, salons, spas and beauty schools. My other skin resource is my friend, Shanty Molnar. Shanty has over 25 years experience as a professional make-up artist, hairstylist and skincare expert. She has worked in film, television and print. When she is not on location, you can find her working with her clients in her private studio in Southern California.

Ask the Beauty Expert: Shanty Molnar

What is acne?

Shanty: Acne is a skin condition that shows up as bumps on the skin. The professional name is Acne Vulgaris and it can be commonly found on the face, neck, hairline, scalp, chest and back. Approximately 40 million people suffer from some form of acne.

What causes acne?

Shanty: Acne is caused by overproduction of sebum (oil) from the sebaceous glands. Sebum is what keeps our skin hydrated and moist. We have follicles (pores) all over our bodies. Sebum can be overproduced and can clog the follicles, which in turn cause bumps on the skin. If you add dead skin cells and bacteria, you have the perfect combo for acne to develop.

Do hormones cause acne?

Shanty: Absolutely! For girls or women, acne can flare up right before the start of your monthly menstrual cycle. For women with adult acne it can also be a sign of hormonal imbalance. For boys or men it can flare up or get worse with rising testosterone levels. Use of steroids can cause acne to worsen and spread to uncommon areas like the arms or buttocks.

Does what I eat cause acne?

Shanty: It is not a proven fact that what you eat or may not eat cause acne, but common sense does offer some pretty good evidence that you are what you eat. The human body was never designed with McDonald’s, donuts, soda and cigarettes in mind. If you are serious about clearing up your skin, then cut out the junk and go for fresh foods and organic. Not only will your skin love you, but your body will to.

Does the sun make acne better?

Shanty: The sun gives us much needed vitamin D for the health of our bodies but tanning can be a double-edged sword. At first your skin may look better by blending in the redness of acne and giving a better even toned appearance but it can cause scarring and hyper pigmentation of the acne sites. I am not saying don’t go in the sun but be aware of your skin’s special needs and don’t forget a good sunscreen.

Does stress cause acne?

Shanty: Studies show that stress can be a contributing factor for man of today’s diseases and health problems and YES, even acne.

Pulse: Are little bumps all over a forehead also acne?

Shanty: There is a sub type of acne called Milia. This type of acne is also found on infants and treatment is usually not necessary. If you do find it bothersome, try a scrub or home microdermabrasion kit. Use it on a regular basis and the Milia will be sloughed off.

Are little bumps all over arms acne?

Shanty: Bumps on the arms are usually a skin condition called “Keratosis Pilaris.” It is commonly thought to be acne and it can look like Milia or whiteheads but they are harder. If you pick at them, you can actually get the whole oil plug out. Don’t pick at them because they will scar. Keratosis Pilaris is hereditary and genetic. It is usually found on people with drier skin.

How do you get rid of acne?

Shanty: The best defense against acne is a good offense and that starts with basic skin care. Wash your face twice a day with a mild cleanser. Gently wash your face with your fingertips. Your fingertips are the kindest way to treat your acne prone skin. Anything harder or more of a scrub can cause irritation and make your acne worse. After washing, try using a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide product which can be found in your local drug store. Use the product liberally. Benzoyl peroxide can cause dry skin, flakiness or redness so a good moisturizer is a must. Watch out for your hairline and eyebrows because BP can lighten your hair. When all is said and done, the objective of this is to obtain good clear skin.

Ask the Parisian Peel skincare expert and sales representative: Mark Cutlip

What is the background and history of microdermabrasion?

Mark: The European market has been using the microdermabrasion machines since approximately 1986. Originally developed as a safer alternative to open dermabrasion the devices were quickly adopted by estheticians as an additional means of exfoliation. There are many machines available in the U.S. All operate on the same basic principle: a closed-loop vacuum system that shoots corundrum onto the skin and vacuums up the used crystal and exfoliated skin, depositing it into a separate waste jar. Corundrum crystal is also known as aluminum oxide and bauxite. That crystal has been provided by manufacturers of the machines as the closest to pure as possible.

What is the Parisian Peel treatment program?

Mark: The Parisian Peel removes dead skin cells and stimulates production of fresh young skin cells and collagen. Professionals have used Parisian Peel microdermabrasion systems since 1998 and it has become the best-known microdermabrasion brand in the world.

A Parisian Peel is a safe, non-surgical and non-invasive procedure for treating superficial and deep skin damage. There is no down time due to bandages or a long healing process. This amazing procedure offers men and women an alternative to expensive laser and painful chemical peels. Parisian Peel uses micro crystals that are vacuumed across your skin through a delicate patented handpiece held by our technician. As the micro crystals pass over the skin, they virtually erase the imperfections.

What conditions can be treated?

Mark: Oily skin, age spots, acne prone skin, sun-damaged skin, fine lines and wrinkles, stretch marks, blackheads and whiteheads and post laser blending.

How long do treatments take?

Mark: About 15 to 30 minutes. However, treatments for stretch marks can take as long as two hours and the focus is on your main problem areas.

How many treatments can a person have in one week?

Mark: Treatments are not aggressive and are normally spaced one week apart to enable your skin to heal between treatments.

What results can you expect?

Mark: You can notice improvement in skin’s overall appearance. Wrinkles, lines and age spots are minimized. Over time, stretch marks and acne scars will be less obvious. Many patients say that their skin seems smoother, younger-looking and softer.

Daisy Villa is a Yoga Teacher, Reiki Practitioner and an Independent Business Owner with Youth Juice.


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