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Steered Straight Thrift

From the Editor

Dear Readers,

Well, I think I’ll just not vote this election. I’ll be a reporter, maintain objectivity and all that. I can bash, or praise, anyone without bias. I’m just along for the ride.

You don’t want a newspaper editor trying to justify his vote for four years, do you? I should be unattached.

But I’ll still be a part of the revolution thing. I guess we need to throw the tea in the sea, or something. Or just stop paying federal income taxes. Stop feeding the beast.

If someone were to go back in time and ask: “So, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, this federal system you’re setting up is supposed to take responsibility for educating all Americans? Launch pre-emptive strikes against nations on the other side of the globe? Try to ruin people’s lives for cultivation of cannabis? Gather all sorts of information on its citizens?”

What would their response be?

Perhaps that’s why Jefferson suggested the country needed a revolution every few years?he knew this thing would get out of control. Keep in mind, the Constitutional amendment granting the right to collect income taxes didn’t exist until 1913?and then the tax rate was 1 – 7 percent. Back in the Bill of Rights days the amendments actually protected the rights of the individual.

Anyway, for everyone who missed the opening night of The Pulse’s Walnut Sessions recording project, the room sounded amazing. There were songs of trash and poetry, beer for breakfast and fair weather friends. We’re rocking and rolling every Friday night on Walnut Street until May 2.

A compilation CD with some of the material will be available this summer.

And to all the musicians, actors, artists, filmmakers, writers and others who have had work reviewed in The Pulse: don’t let us ever discourage you from making your art. You ask us what we think about it, and we tell you. A review is not personal, the writer is just giving their initial reaction to your work.


Bracken Mayo, Editor in Chief


About the Author

The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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