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Steered Straight Thrift

The Last Few Pounds are Hardest

It’s hard to believe, but spring break is here.

Hopefully, many of you are well on your way to the body you wanted to take to the beach, or wherever it is you’re going over break. Undoubtedly, the most frequent question I get is “How can I lose these last 10 pounds?they just won’t seem to come off?”

Well, unfortunately those last few “vanity pounds” will take controlled, focused attention to lose.

First, you must be committed to taking careful control of your diet. Analyze your nutritional regimen from Monday to Sunday. Eat small, predetermined meals throughout the day instead of sporadic meals that are thrown together when you’re starving.

Also, determine if there is a surplus of some food type in your diet that you may have overlooked. For example, many of us clean up our diets when preparing for spring break, but fail to eradicate things like Cokes, alcohol and weekend binge eating. These things will make it very difficult to lose those last annoying pounds. Be sure to keep your diet tightened down all week long, especially in the last few weeks before a trip to the beach. There’s absolutely no room for error when you’re this close.

Secondly it’s time to take the cardio to the next level. Cardiovascular activity should be done regularly as a part of a healthy lifestyle. However, when you’re trying to lose weight, it must be understood that placing the body in a caloric deficit is key. This simply means that the body must be using more calories than it is consuming. If this state continues, then weight loss is the result. Now, if you’re having difficulty losing the last few pounds and you think you’re going to get away with 15 or 20 minutes on the treadmill a few times a week, you’re wrong. With four weeks to go, the cardio regimen must be serious. Cardio at this point should be four to six days a week, 30 to 60 minutes a session. Intensity should be moderate. On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being very easy, 10 being very difficult, you should be working at a 5 or 6.

The most important dimension to a weight loss routine is being consistent with your efforts. The most successful way to target those last 10 pounds is to combine a strategic nutritional program with an aggressive cardiovascular routine.

Now is the time to take control of your weight. Do not waste any more time, the clock is ticking. If you have questions, call me at (615) 653-6950 or e-mail


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