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10 Ways to Observe Earth Day

Thirty-eight years ago, 20 million people participated in the first Earth Day, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This year with tips from a geologist and his friends, even the busiest, environmentally challenged person will be able to take steps to positively impact the earth?or at least stop adding to the problem.

Dr. Mark J. Abolins, associate geology professor at MTSU, said he offers this advice as “food for thought.”

1. Recycle. Make sure to dispose of goods from cans to cell phones to motor oil to glass at the proper place.

2. Share. Carpool to school or work. Abolins said that aside from giving “good karma,” sharing reduces the amount of environmental resources people use daily.

3. Volunteer. It’s good for you. It’s good for others. It’s good for the planet.

4. Conserve energy. Use compact fluorescent bulbs and energy strips more. Use heat and air conditioning less. Turn appliances off. Walk, bike, use public transit or fuel efficient vehicles.

5. Eat locally. Participate in Community Supported Agriculture. CSA consists of a community of individuals covering a farmer’s operation and salary, then sharing the crops produced throughout the growing season, according to the USDA Web site.

6. Eat less meat (or none at all).

7. Go outside. Get involved in outdoor recreation. “When you fall in love with the outdoors, you deepen your appreciation of the need to protect Planet Earth,” Abolins said.

8. Learn and then educate others.

9. Hug trees. Hug people too. Helping others enjoy life also helps the environment, according to Abolins. “Unhappy people often compensate by consuming more of the Earth’s resources,” he said. “In contrast, happy people can live light on the land.”

10. Make every day Earth Day. Think about the Earth and act to nurture it every day of the year.


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The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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