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Steered Straight Thrift

From the Editor

OK local optometrists, it’s time to step up to the plate and help out your fellow entrepreneur.

I’ve been saying it’s time for new glasses for a while, but now after they’ve been scratched, gnawed upon by the black devil kitty, stepped on and broken, the time has come to upgrade. Plus, I’ve not had an eye exam in years.

So who, wants to be the official eye care center of The Pulse? Seriously, I have ad space to trade. “I can see clearly . . .”

I know Sam’s and Wal-Mart are offering everything these days and forcing out small businesses, but I’m all about working with the local guys, let’s make a deal.

After hearing some of the recordings from the ongoing concert/recording series at the Walnut House, everything is taking shape. It’s great to have something tangible. I can get my fix for the Walnut House experience anytime now. And there’s a lot more music to listen to, The Pulse Compilation CD is just beginning to blossom.

However, chilly mid-April makes for good hockey watching, and the Predators put on a good show in game three, coming from behind to overtake the Red Wings in Nashville.

While it is sad to see families forced out of foreclosed homes, I have to agree with Mr. Valentine on this one. The government should not take on the role of rescuing people bailing out those who made stupid purchases.

On the trail, John McCain stands against giving taxpayer dollars to those who can’t afford their payments. That’s the kind of thing that will give McCain appeal, both Democratic candidates are suggesting giving out billions in assistance to prevent foreclosures. While the intention sounds good, that doesn’t really sound like it would make long-term sense. Or perhaps assisting people to pay their mortgages would gain more appeal.

But the borrower has to take responsibility to repay the debt or no society can last, unless it’s one with a thieving, Big Brother-like government that constantly manipulates every market and redistributes wealth.

Those who sell mortgage, insurance, annuity, and other financial products should absolutely be held to a high standard and present the facts to the customer, but laws already impose lifetime caps on ARMS, so how much more do you want the government to interfere with the market?


Bracken Mayo, Editor in Chief


About the Author

The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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