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Steered Straight Thrift

Horton Hears a Who

Rating: 3 Pulses

Jim Carrey, Steve Carell, Carol Burnett

Directed by Jimmy Hayward, Steve Martino

Rated G

This is the first Dr. Seuss adaptation that I have been able to enjoy and call it good. Because that is what it is, good. Compared to the other couple of Dr Seuss movies, I would call it great, even.

Nothing is added in the screen adaptation other than detail. I think a Dr. Seuss story has finally been translated to film that is potentially worthy of the name. It is less than 90 minutes and very endurable for parents and it slips in jokes clearly written for adults. And by that I don’t mean off-color jokes, of course, I mean jokes that are dated.

The animation is excellent and pleasing for the eyes. There’s not a lot of song and dance, a bit of a rarity in children’s features. However, the movie is capped off by a hit from 1984, written and performed by Kevin Cronin, of REO Speedwagon, “I Can’t Fight This Feeling.”

Jim Carrey provided a perfect voice over for the central character, an elephant by the name of Horton. As it turns out, Whoville is actually a tiny little microscopic speck on a pink flower and all the citizens of Whoville must put their faith in Horton to save them from impending doom. An easy and sweet friendship blossoms between Horton and the mayor of Whoville, voiced just finely by Steve Carell. Carol Burnett’s talents shine in her job of lending life to the film’s required “mean lady.”

Cha-Ching was the sound heard from Whoville over the Easter holiday. Final figures released have this film as the biggest draw by far. And, from what I can see as a moviegoer, it is the best choice right now, so the timing simply could not be better, because this film has absolutely NO competition. Save for maybe Tyler Perry’s latest installment of an on-going series of black women who are angry and refusing to take it anymore.

This film obviously fails at defining hilarious. I do not want to get your hopes high, but I can vouch for a steady stream of pretty funny jokes. If you just cannot avoid the theater all together right now, this is one you will certainly want to consider, definitely, if there are children involved. If you love animation and these kinds of movies, you will probably adore this one.


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