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Look Past The Stars: The Age of Transformation

What exactly does the “Information Age” entail? According to many astrologers, we are in the Age of Aquarius which represents information and breadth of vision. Other astrologers argue that we are technically still in the Age of Pisces until roughly 2132, and this difference has been a topic of debate for some time. What does all this mean, anyway? These issues have really become distractions to what is really important?God.

Many people shy away from the word “God” because some think of God as “everyone else’s God” and not their own God. This opens the door to thought patterns about this higher entity to manifest into what people think God should be for everyone else according to how God works in just one individual’s life. Having aversions for the wrong reasons is dangerous because it takes away from the childlike curiosity of people exploring God on an individual basis.

For lack of a proper term to describe this incredible energy, language has given us such universal terms as God, Yaweh and Lord. So for those of you reading this that are too caught up in the mechanics of language, I suggest you not stifle yourself due to lack of a better descriptive word and rather, allow an understanding of this energy when I refer to this energy as “God.”

God’s amazing stars propelled me to delve into such topics as astronomy and astrology at the young age of 13. Astronomy is awesome, but in my young mind back then I saw this branch of science as stifling because the scientific requirements needed to make astronomy work exclude the magical part of the universe that is God. Thus, astrology seemed a better study of the psychological and scientific implications that we are, in fact, composed of the same stuff of the universe and thus, are affected individually and on a mass scale.

The problem with the Age of Information?if this is the age that we are really experiencing right now?is obvious. There’s so much. Having information is good, but too much of anything is almost always a bad thing. We develop a basis in certain areas and our convictions develop according to these bases, until something happens to change the way we always thought about a thing, whatever that thing may be for an individual today, tomorrow, and the next day. It never stops. In other words, you think you have it all figured out, and then you realize you don’t.

The one thing I have found that makes sense in all the nonsense of this world is God. God helps us evolve, if we want, and everything about God works. I never find myself wondering whether or not what God told me yesterday will still be true today. In essence, there are no holes in individual spirituality with God. Even religions have holes in them because many are so caught up in tradition that they cannot see that God wants us all to evolve with the times. Even in the evolution of the Universe, God has taught us how to evolve yet God has always remained the same perfection that was truth in the beginning.

I saw astrology as a step closer to God’s perfection because the constellations and zodiac are God’s blueprints of our existence. The problem is that too much astrology became a bad thing. Reading an occasional horoscope in a paper is one thing. Getting so wrapped up in it to the point that people no longer have names, but only astrological signs, suggested to me something about astrology wasn’t right?I was becoming obsessive.

True, the science could tell me much about an individual, but sometimes it would tell me too much. Then I would feel the heavy burden of what I ultimately didn’t really want to know about that person’s life. I thought to myself, how awesome would figuring people out really be if I just let God tell me what I truly need to know to help others? And then that’s what started to happen. The more I stopped relying on astrology for my answers, the more truth started to flood me in certain situations about people and what I could do to help them, without knowing all the bad stuff.

Even though there is truth to astrology, it only takes a little poison to screw up the whole batch. After going to the roots of Biblical Astronomy, I realized this study and astrology were still backtracking. Though researching Biblical Astronomy was necessary for my understanding, I am moving forward so it makes no sense to backtrack.

For 14 years, I have studied astrology in-depth. I have learned more about the people in Murfreesboro than I have learned about myself, but then again, that is the ultimate goal of life?to learn the true core of oneself and to master the game of life. I’ll say to my readers and fans that writing this is not easy, though letting go of astrology is not nearly as difficult as I thought previously, mainly because evolving feels good. Letting go of one thing to gain another is part of the cycle of the universe. So for those of you who ever get distracted from your true self, send in your worries and concerns about your life and spiritual problems you are facing for a new advice column that focuses more on the individual, to If you are pissed off that there will be no more horoscopes and would like to complain, send those worries in also. You may just be pleasantly surprised that the new really is better than the old. You really can have everything you want. Remember, “May He give you what your heart desires and fulfill your whole purpose” (Psalm 20:4); thus the point of transformation. Thanks to my fans.


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