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Steered Straight Thrift

Big Brother is Not My Friend

In the last Pulse, many of you may have read the article regarding the new traffic ticket cameras being installed throughout Murfreesboro. After reading that article, I thought it necessary to comment. This is one of the most ridiculous systems ever conceptualized. With an operating cost of $30,000 per month, we have a base level residual cost of $360,000 per year. This cost will be incurred by you and your friends. It will be paid for by our community.

Many of you simply write these costs off as necessary evils because of the damage and injury these systems may prevent. But when considering that this is a deterrent system that only works after the perpetrator has already perpetrated the crime and went on about his business, you quickly realize this system does nothing to prevent accidents. The people who are committing the crime of crossing during a red light and hitting people will not be stopped. They will just be caught on camera.

Now, these cameras could have a dramatic effect on repeat offenders. But most of you who have ever run a red light know that there is a gray area called the no-mans-land. If you are in the area when a light turns yellow, you have the option of stopping or going.

As a driver, you are forced to make a split-second decision based on your speed, vehicle’s weight and road conditions, and then guess the timing of the yellow light. Everyone knows this is difficult. Now, add the knowledge that a camera may take your picture and charge you $50 if you make a small mistake; the already-erratic local driving is going to get more extreme. People will slam on their brakes when a yellow light occurs. This will also cause accidents.

In any case, the extreme cost of this system will be mostly paid by people who made a very small error, or perhaps were concerned about stopping too quickly and just barely missed the yellow. This is wrong, especially when considering that there are viable alternatives.

Many people have seen yellow light warning systems before. When the light is going to change soon, a sign positioned well before the intersection begins flashing a light. These are very effective at warning people of an impending signal change. In addition, new systems could be developed that actually show people where the point of no return is. Perhaps the road could be painted to let people know when they are beyond where they should stop during a yellow. I have also thought of a few other ideas including a laser warning system that would detect your car’s position, speed, and road condition. The system could then relay the information to a lighting system that could dynamically change.

These alternatives represent the removal of a perpetual annoyance and massive residual charge on the community. They also create similar reductions in accidents and mimic any other positives of the camera system. How can this be bad?

The only explanation that I can come up with is that our local government has been studying our federal government. This move shows complete disregard for logical methods of accomplishing something; In exchange we get systems which accomplish the same things as other methods but somehow manage to funnel more of our community’s money through the government’s bureaucracy.

“Hello government: keeping money in the community is a good thing. It helps the economy. Duh!”

Although I don’t advocate violence or destroying public property, I believe that there was a time in this country when this type of government action would be impossible. Now it seems that we as a community are such pushovers that our own city council has the audacity to pass this sort of public nuisance in a completely unanimous decision. Are you kidding me? Not even one person thought of a better idea? Where did your critical thinking go people? How about keeping more of your money in your own pocket? How about keeping the government out of your business?

Big brother loves you.

*Please see George Orwell regarding Big Brother comments.


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