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Steered Straight Thrift

Stirring the Pot: Janard Cross brings the Gospel to Bluesboro

It may seem odd, but one Sunday a month, God takes over one of Murfreesboro’s most popular night clubs during Janard Cross’ Sunday Gospel Brunch.

Instead of the dancin’ and drinkin’ that usually takes place at Bluesboro, spiritual locals partake some praisin’ and eatin’ and dancin’ as well. But this event isn’t too out of place at a location that is best known for its music, which happens to be Cross’ specialty.

“I’m a gospel, rock and soul artist,” Cross says. “But at the brunch we have everything; traditional, pop, rock, soul, rap, gospel. We’re open to doing any kind of music that’s going to be effective in reaching people.”

The worship consists of mainly music, and with such a wide variety of gospel, ranging from slower traditional music to more upbeat rock and rap gospel, everyone is able to get down with the Lord. So far it’s been pretty effective, drawing 130 people at the very first brunch held July 16.

The next one, set for 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 9, has even more performances for your musical enjoyment.

“For this one we planned some new songs as well as awesome music from my vocal group The Sons and Daughters of the Father,” says Cross. “We will also have music from The Light and Ann Cross, in addition to the hip-hop stylings of Charles Lee Jackson and Stephon Canty.”

Born and raised in Murfreesboro, making music and entertaining was deeply integrated into Cross’ life, having been influenced into the church choir by his mom when he was young.

“Music was always around me, [but] I never thought I’d do anything very outgoing because I used to be [shy],” he says. “Then when I was a senior in high school . . . God showed me that he wanted me to go into the entertainment industry and represent him.”

And unlike many performers in the music industry who are in it for the money, Cross says his main accomplishments come from mothers who approach him and let him know how something he’s done has impacted their children’s lives, or when young people approach him themselves.

“I want to accomplish every single thing and reach, as well as be reached, by every single person God put me on this earth to encounter,” Cross states. “And I’m not leaving this earth until that happens.”

All in all, he’s just doing what he’s passionate about and when he’s not performing during the Gospel Brunch you can catch his smiling face on MTSU’s MTTV Let’s Go Higher, a show he co-produces and hosts, which is soon to be called, simply, Janard. With the new school year in full speed, the show doesn’t yet have solid time slot but can be found in the weekday evening line up.

Therefore, if you’re ever in need of a spiritual lift, feel free to join Janard’s monthly brunch or just flip on your TV.

For more information on Janard’s Sunday Gospel Brunch visit


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  • Rev. George Brooks

    Janard, you may be attempting to do God’s work, but you are limited because your aims and goals are too low, man. And are you NOT aware of the words of Dr. Benjamin Mays, who guided Dr. Martin Luther King at Morehouse? “Failure is not a sin, BUT LOW AIM IS.” Your aims and goals are far too low, with this “childish stuff that you are doing.” SO ELEVATE man, and then you will be able to help others ELEVATE. — Rev. George Brooks

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