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Inside the Mind, Outside the Box

May 11 is Mother’s Day. My two daughters, Vanessa and Evyan, have added a huge dimension to my life. Being a mother is not always perfect, but I know I would have missed so much if I was not a mother. I did as much as I could to give my girls a wonderful childhood and a head start in life. That included sending them to bi-lingual Montessori schools, reading to them, providing music and dance lessons and all kinds of visits to libraries, amusement parks, plays, concerts, museums, art galleries, etc.

I am a lucky mother?both of my daughters were born without any physical or mental challenges. But where does a mother turn when her baby has special challenges?

Does your child exhibit any of the following?

* Problems with reading

* Poor concentration

* Difficulty in writing

* Sensitive to touch

* Clumsy when walking

* Overactive to lights or sounds

If any of the above describe your child, Dr. Karen Pryor might be the person to contact. Dr. Pryor, who holds a Ph.D. in Natural Health, developed and practices advanced skills in neuroplasticity, or rewiring the mind. Dr. Pryor shared with me her “Out-Of -The-Box” approach to working with children. Her program turns disability to ability. “Gold Mind: Inside the Mind, Outside the Box” is the title of her seminars and her first children’s holistic therapy book, in its editing stage.

How can the brain of a baby/child get rewired?

Dr. Pryor: The lower centers of the brain develop first. We see reflex movements in the baby then these give way to more complex movements in the older child. The nervous system connections grow, develop and branch to other areas of the brain and other nervous systems. If this system is attended to at an early age (before 9 years old), plasticity of the nervous system allows rewiring and restructuring to promote the child receiving, rather than overloading or confusing the child. The reformatting can occur any time. The younger the baby, the faster it occurs. Even with a fetus, contact with language, touching the pregnant abdomen and a general sense of good feelings can carry across to the placenta.

Do you have any patients where you have reversed a disability?

Dr. Pryor: I worked with a baby with Spina Bifida. His legs were somewhat lifeless and sitting was hard for him. I instructed the daycare provider how to “play with purpose” and have goals in mind with activities. After 10 months of working as a team, he could run through the playroom and his coordination with coloring and cutting with a scissor advanced, along with social and language skills.

Another child diagnosed as blind was born without the part of the brain that records vision. Because the brain is very “plastic,” we were able to redirect information to use a different part of the brain. After therapy, he watched his parents walk across the room and not only saw his snack, but reached for it.

What do you test in a baby/child?

Dr. Pryor: All conditions, and therapy, is individual. We test for sensation and movement with sight, hearing, balance, taste and smell.

What are some other things that affect the brain?

Dr. Pryor: Music can stimulate or relax the unborn baby with changes in beat and volume. Music also makes the whole brain light up and is so important that your choice of music is similar to choosing healthy food. Light also affects the brain and the body. Our lives are bombarded with energetic waveforms from wireless internet, phones, television, radio and microwaves.

What is your mission?

Dr. Pryor: To educate as many individuals in contact with babies and children to be aware that they can make a difference that lasts a lifetime. At my clinic, Health Sphere Wellness Center in Brentwood, we listen, we work and we witness results.

For more information, e-mail Dr. Pryor at

We receive more instructions when buying an appliance than with the birth of our children. Being a mother is a joy and a responsibility. Mothers everywhere need to be recognized, appreciated and honored for the important role they play in their children’s lives, the well-being of our communities and the future of our world. To all mothers, I wish you a Happy Mother’s Day.

Daisy Villa is a yoga teacher,

Reiki practitioner and is available for presentations and workshops.


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