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Steered Straight Thrift

Farewell Starwood

Live Nation’s Starwood Amphitheatre in Antioch recently announced it is closing after 22 years. It was one of their underperforming venues. Starwood grossed $4.6 million and drew 183,630 people to 16 shows last year, reported the Billboard Boxscore. I guess for the music industry that just isn’t enough.

Yeah, who cares about the fans?

It brings a tear to my eye and a jolt to my stomach to hear that by next year there will be a subdivision and “little shops,” aka strip mall, on what was once home to live music and summer fun.

It is very easy to get caught up in the nostalgia. I have been going to concerts there for years; to everything from New Kids on the Block in 1990 to Dave Matthews last summer. I thought it was terrible when they shaved down the hills and changed the name, but now it seems to be lost forever.

For any music lover who grew up in the Nashville area the closing of Starwood should be a sad, sad thing. To my surprise, many young people were indifferent instead of heartbroken. But for those who offered their memories and opinions, let them be heard.

The people in the music industry have tried to find any down side to Starwood and play it up. Like the parking situation or not brining in big acts. But it’s just not true. Starwood was for real music fans, fans that didn’t care about sitting in traffic because they had just seen a wonderful show. Dave Matthews and Aerosmith, two of the biggest names in music period, come to Starwood every year to sellout shows. They love the fans, and they know how important the music is. ? Philip H., Murfreesboro.

It is the best venue in Nashville. Starwood gave high school and college kids without a lot of money the opportunity to see their favorite artists for cheap with the grass seats. ? Michelle, MTSU student

I just can’t believe this is happening. ? Jessica B., Junior at MTSU.

I am heart broken. I have made so many memories there and hoped to make so many more. I have been going to concerts there ever since I was about 12. . . . So devastated. My favorite memories are seeing Jimmy Buffet all three times! ? Hayley Griffith

I think it’s a travesty. Concerts outside have a magical feel to them that a concert at the GEC or Municipal doesn’t have. My favorite memory of Starwood is an Aerosmith concert in ’97 or ’98. It had just rained and people were mud-sliding down the hills. It was Awesome! ? Nikki Adams, MTSU student

I am upset; my favorite times there were Buzzfests and Tom Petty. But I understand that from a business point of view you can’t keep spending money to keep an unsuccessful business running. ? Justin P. Zoller, MTSU student

It sucks! I have never been to Starwood but I was hoping to get to create some memories there. Where else are we going to have outdoor music festivals and concerts? ? Derek Shaffer

Taking away an outdoor concert venue in ‘Music City’ is sad. There is talk about moving concerts back downtown. Downtown Nashville is not fan friendly! Expensive parking, long and sometimes dangerous walks, and crowds, crowds, crowds!

Starwood parking may have been bad but just wait until your sitting in traffic in downtown Nashville for two hours. At least Starwood was safe; no one ever had to worry about their car being broken into or stolen or getting harassed by bums as you walk back to your car. ? J.C., Antioch

Even though petitions opposing the venue’s closing, found at and tion-sign.html, have now gathered more than 8,000 signatures and are growing everyday, the sale of the land seems inevitable.

So, goodbye Starwood, thank you for all the great times. Goodbye music on a blanket under the summer stars, and goodbye $8 beer we will miss you so much!



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The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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