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Steered Straight Thrift


It’s the year of the red state here in Tennessee.

Yet our diligent Murfreesboro reporter friends Jackie and Dunlap have moved away. The update now comes to you from Canada, after the nation as a whole went blue.

Hockey isn’t so bad, though, guys.

But don’t you understand, Jackie and Dunlap, we need you in the red states or they will no longer be red. Is that what you want? To give up Tennessee to the blues? For shame.

Why not just lead the Tennessee separatist movement? (By the way, Obama’s super-secret mighty nuclear-wielding peace corps militia, that was a joke.)

It’s also the year of unexpected developments. Just a couple of years ago who would have thought the guy leading the Titans to a thus undefeated record would be white and the president would be black? Not Vince Young or Hillary Clinton. But I have a much larger unexpected development than that?ask me about that one.

If you’re looking for a way to make some dough in these tough economic times, become a digital bounty hunter at

This below-$2 gas is OK. It could possibly be lower, but keep it here and I think most will be happy. Let’s force them to keep the price low?keep demand down! Reduce.

I like the theory of the TV program on animals who break Guinness World Records. Generally, they attempt to break a record that has never been recorded?the highest jump by a Shetland pony named Steve wearing a cowboy hat, the most slinkeys collected by a Western diamondback rattlesnake on a greased elevated and rotating platform. Everyone’s a

winner! Whatever the performance, it’s a new world record.

If you don’t have the ability to break any existing records, start making up new ones! Go for the crown in the farthest distance throwing a caramel pie with a Lego character in the middle of it while blindfolded,

the number of packing bubbles popped while standing on one foot in 35 seconds (I’m going for the indoor and outdoor title in that one), the quickest time to rip a pizza box?that contained a medium thin crust anchovy and pineapple?with telekinesis.

We’ll see how graceful Bush’s exit and Obama’s entrance will be.

Phil’s not having such a graceful exit with his team’s performance in Wyoming.

And yes, the people should know where these billions of bailout dollars are going! Not only is the U.S. government handing out taxpayer money to banks in one of the wildest power grabs in history, the Fed now refuses to even say which banks receive the assistance.


Bracken Mayo, Editor in Chief


About the Author

The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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