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Steered Straight Thrift

Vue from the Pew: St. Mark’s, Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

Church: St. Marks United Methodist Church

Address: 1267 N. Rutherford Blvd.


Phone: 615-893-3455

Sunday Worship: 8:30 and 11 a.m., Christian Education: 9:45 a.m.

Rating: Message – 3; Music – 3; Brotherly Love – 4.5; Overall – 3.5

I found the preceding mission statement to be true at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church. I attended the service for the first Sunday of Advent on Nov. 30. As for “Open Doors,” many signs and greeters made clear the path to the current worship center. (The congregation is working toward building a larger sanctuary.)

As expected for this season of expectation, the music came primarily from the Christmas part of the hymnal. Worshippers have the option to sing from the hymnal or read the lyrics from screens up front. I believed the choir had been given the day off because only the pastors were up front. I was pleasantly surprised by a powerful rendition of “Waiting” by Choplin performed by a combination of the Chancel and SONlight Youth Choirs. I was told the choir must sit with congregation unless performing.

Dr. Fred Hembree, senior pastor, took on the task of “Open Minds” with his sermon, “All I want for Christmas is Hope.” The text came from Luke 1:30-38 when the angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she will give birth to Jesus, “the Son of the Most High God” (v32). Mary shows her hope and faith because she “heard God’s voice, obeyed God’s will and trusted God’s power,” said Hembree, encouraging us to not just “endure” the Christmas season with its chaos, parties and shopping, but to stay “tuned in and listening to God.”

As for “Open Hearts,” for the first time as Mr. Kirchenstuhl, your undercover worshipper, I was welcomed personally at the conclusion of a service, by a man named Flynn?finally some concrete brotherly love! Flynn led me to the Welcome Center, made sure I filled out a visitor’s card, gave me descriptions of classes and ministries, as well as a Christmas schedule. I was reminded of the services St. Mark’s provides to disadvantaged families?furnishing homes, disaster relief and more. I was even more pleasantly surprised when I received a call Monday evening from Jean, who admitted she “may have grandchildren your age,” to thank me for attending worship.

St. Mark’s, keep up the great work on ministering to visitors and the community as a whole!


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