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Steered Straight Thrift

Give Meeks a Chance

I was really disappointed by the way Landin portrayed Travis Meeks and his show (Days of the New, Pulse Vol. 4, Issue 3). I don’t think that an artist’s history of drug abuse and appearance have anything to do with their ability to put on an amazing show?Travis Meeks is incredibly talented and anyone who was at that show knows that he rocked that stage!

Some of the most amazing musicians of all time were drug users and they are still respected. I think that Days of The New deserves a little more respect. It was a really low blow to a very talented group of guys.


Editor’s Response:

Days of the New is a great band and has brought enjoyment to many people’s ears.

Writing about music and shows can be challenging. No written article can capture the beauty and artistic qualities of a piece of music. So I can understand why writers grab on to certain things?such as appearances, information about artists’ lives and why certain people have been out of the public spotlight for years?when telling a story about a band.

We don’t want to drag him down or point fingers, but Meeks’ story is one that should be told. What good are people’s mistakes if other’s can’t learn from them?

Thanks for your comments.

No Pulse for the Center?

I feel as if your response to the letters to the editor were inappropriate as well as demeaning to the Center for the Arts as an organization. I have removed the newsstand from our lobby and we will, until further notice, no longer be displaying nor supporting The Murfreesboro Pulse as an organization or business in Murfreesboro.

I am willing to sort through this situation further, but at this time I feel this is the correct decision to make. I wish that this never would have happened, but I feel as if your comments were inappropriate.

? Jesse Cannady, PR & Marketing Coordinator, Murfreesboro Center for the Arts

Editor’s Response:

I have great respect for the Center and for any organization trying to promote art at a community level. It’s an important venue for local artists to hang their work, and thespians to take the stage.

I think the goals of the Center and of The Pulse are very similar. We both want a vibrant, active, art-filled town with plenty of options for everyone to be entertained and express themselves.

The Pulse, nor Terry, had any intention of embarrassing or offending anyone (and I maintain the original comments were PG-rated at worst). I cannot be in the middle of every personal issue everyone involved with the Center has with someone good enough to contribute to The Pulse.

I’ve been disappointed that we’ve not received more support from the Center recently. I’ve paid for a lot of the ink and paper that has gone to promote your events, with the only thank you being allowing us to place some copies in your lobby for your patrons. I’d rather keep the rack in there, but cannot force free coverage and free entertainment magazines upon you.

I’m willing to sort through this situation further as well. I’m sure we can find common ground.

More Spending Won’t Work

My grandfather had a way of expressing what he thought of those we elect to public office. “It was a good thing they got a job with the government or they would have starved to death.” Unfortunately, this type of politician and their dumb decisions on the so-called bailout may cause us to starve to death instead.

It was excessive deficit spending that caused the problem in the first place, now how in the world do they expect more deficit spending to solve the problem?

What the people need is more spending power, not more borrowing power. The government should keep the $800 billion to run the government and give everyone a tax moratorium. On the next payday everyone would get their regular pay plus all their withholding, this would inject money into the economy instantly.

We are no longer a government, of, for, and by the people but a government, of, for, and by special interest groups who are using our government to milk us dry!

? Clarence Jaeger, River Oaks Drive


About the Author

The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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