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Steered Straight Thrift

Go Yard Saling With a Date

Although the recession seems to be loosening its grip a bit, most budgets are still very tight, and lots of folks are looking for fun, affordable things to do.

Why not consider a yard sale date?

Now don’t stop reading here because you think you’re not a yard sale person or you cringe at the thought of rising early on a Saturday morning.

More and more, yard sales are no longer limited to older couples who woke up at 4 a.m. to get to the sale by 6 a.m. (usually arriving before the first item has been placed on the lawn). Today, you see everyone?from day laborers to debutantes, young families to senior citizens, professional yard sellers to novice treasure hunters?because no matter who you are, where you’re from, or the level of your income, everyone loves a deal.

So let’s quickly address the getting up early issue. Yes, most yard sales start between 6 – 8 a.m., but they also last until 2 – 3 p.m. And many more yard sales are starting on Fridays and running through Sundays. So there is some reprieve for those who cannot roll out of bed before noon on Saturdays (this, of course, excludes musicians, for whom the thought of rising before 2 p.m. on a Saturday is utterly ridiculous, even though some of the most premiere stage garb can be found at these sales for less than five bucks.)

Although you’ll find the greatest selection early in the mornings, yard sales are not just for early birds. Late afternoon is a great time to go because folks are ready to close up and have lowered their prices so they won’t have to carry items back into their homes. Between 2 and 4 p.m. is typically when the “all you can get into a bag” sales begin.

So what is a yard sale date?

The essence of the yard sale date is to buy a unique, fun, funny, useful, clever, inexpensive gift for each other (but don’t let them see it).

You and your date agree to meet at a certain time and decide who will bring the coffee. Then decide on an amount of money you will spend ($5 – 10 is a good range and less than two movie tickets). Agree on how many sales you will visit (this adds pressure to the hunt).

Go to and plan your route. This is way better than wandering around town hoping to find a neon sign. It’s also almost paper-free, saves gas and is much better for our planet.

Begin shopping. You’d be amazed at how many great conversations are sparked by little things you see at these sales?a Holly Hobby lunch box, a He-man figurine, a clock just like your grandmother had. Yard sales are the ultimate in affordable retail therapy AND you’re recycling. Buy something(s) for your date. You can spend less than the agreed upon amount, if the gift is absolutely perfect, but not more.

After you’ve both purchased gifts, go home and pack a picnic, or have lunch at an inexpensive restaurant. Then exchange the gifts and tell each other why you picked this particular item.

Yard sale date sans romance

This date isn’t only for lovers. Try the same approach with a bunch of your friends. Decide on a theme?weirdest book, best piece of jewelry, most unique item, best deal, something from your childhood, just to name a few. Then go back to someone’s house and sit on the porch and tell your stories.

You can also do this as a family. We always looked for McDonald’s toys from all our favorite Disney movies. It gave us all a great sense of accomplishment when we would get all eight figurines, especially for the older movies. It’s just a fun way to spend time together and everyone got a present before the day was done.

The yard sale date is a fun, inexpensive, yet heartfelt way to enjoy a Saturday afternoon. All this and free vitamin D.


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