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Steered Straight Thrift

Vortices Swirling Overhead

The Vortices are swirling overhead and are about to swoop down upon the masses. It’s a loud cluster of mind-bending mayhem that’s been brewing for eight years. Brace yourself, but don’t be afraid, the thunderous roar will serenade your ears.

Look, I’m not talking about the April showers, I’m talking about the band?my band.

The record’s coming; I’m just giving you a heads up, because when this thing hits, it’s coming like nuclear.

You know when a band has played together for the better part of the decade, as the Vortices boys have, the debut must be a masterpiece. It’s close, as is the first Pulse compilation CD featuring some of the top bands in town. Recording’s done on both, it’s time to put the final touches on them and let them take wing and fly.

Write down your dreams. Every morning when you wake up, remember as much as you can and note it. Make a novel out of it, or a song, or just explore the relationship between reality and subconscious.

I’ve been able to do a little fishing this year, actually caught a few little fishes. Austin, my little brother, caught a beautiful blue and orange one a few weeks ago. He was small, but the colors were very vibrant (the fish, not Austin). He’s not my biological little brother (Austin, not the fish), but a match with the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. It’s a great organization that gives me an excuse to quit thinking about the paper for a few hours and go fishing, and gives little brother the opportunity to hang out with some weird publisher dude every now and then. Everyone should consider being a big.

To support another good cause, come to the Blue Rooster on May 20, for another Red Cross benefit show to assist ornado victims.

The following week, at the same Rooster place, the monthly Pulse artist showcase will feature the music of Rollo Greb, Exit 42 and Jeffrey Joslin, as well as a variety of local art, including the battlefield scenes of Neil Mattis, shown on this issue’s cover.

When you’re out and about, remember to support our advertisers?they’re the reason this paper exists, you know. When you need a meal, piano tuning, bail bond, computer ink, tattoo or gym membership, check in The Pulse. Use the coupons, visit the businesses and tell them as a reader or contributor you saw them in the paper and recognize their support.

Well, Bracken Jr. is on the way. By Father’s Day I should be a father. Sarah’s handling everything well. My hard work is done. I submitted my contribution to this babymaking operation about eight months ago.


Bracken Mayo, Editor in Chief


About the Author

Bracken, a 2003 graduate of MTSU’s journalism program, is the founder and publisher of the Murfreesboro Pulse. He lives in Murfreesboro with his wife, graphic artist and business partner, Sarah, and sons, Bracken Jr. and Beckett. Bracken enjoys playing the piano, sushi, football, chess, Tool, jogging, his backyard, hippie music, ice skating, Chopin, rasslin’, swimming, soup, tennis, sunshine, brunch, revolution and frying things. Connect with him on LinkedIn

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