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Steered Straight Thrift

Great Find$: 3-Don’t

After seeing Disney’s Bolt (3D) in 2008, I officially put an end to 3-D movies at our house, much to my movie-head son’s dismay. In my particular case, Bolt was not particularly interesting or funny, it was not long (96 minutes), and I had to pay an additional $6 for two pair of plastic glasses (that I didn’t get to keep). So, let’s add this up: 1 adult matinee ticket – $7.25, one child ticket – $6.50, plus – $6 to rent uncomfortable glasses.

Grand Total Enter – $19.75 and we hadn’t even cleared the doorway (+ $1.25 per ticket if you order online).

Grand Total Exit – $27.75 ($8 for snacks).

So roughly, $30 for 1 hour and 36 minutes of average entertainment and pricey popcorn.

I had to ask myself, was it really worth it? Was the 3-D effect that great. Had it really advanced that much since Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 2005? Did it truly advance the story by having Bolt sneeze in my direction? The answers: No, No, No. I sometimes think, how sad that Hollywood has resorted to this kind of add-on mentality and even sadder they’re targeting young kids, which everyone knows means parents. Parents who are already challenged enough with this dreadful economic climate don’t need the unnecessary bother of explaining inflation and marketing to a 7-year-old.

But alas, sad news is so often followed by good news. And the good news is this: Premiere 6 theatres at Jackson Heights (yes, they’re open) will be showing all the season’s 3-D blockbusters without the 3-D and without the additional glasses fee. They will show the good-ole, traditional, 2-D movies we’ve grown to love, including modern classics such as Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs and Toy Story 3. (NOTE: Premiere 6 does NOT accept debit or credit cards.)

More good New$

Premiere 6 also has a kiddie snack pack that includes popcorn, small candy and small drink for only $2.50. I get this too!

Even More Good New$

The new Malco Roxy Cinema (16) in Smyrna offers a summer film festival for kids. Every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10 a.m. through July 29, previously screened G-rated movies will be shown for $2 per person.


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