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Steered Straight Thrift

Great Find$: Embrace Your Swagga at Citi Trends

It’s like an urban TJ Maxx,” is how Paul Higgins, Citi Trends manager, describes the new store. Located in Mercury Plaza where the Salvation Army used to be, Citi Trends offers a huge variety of clothing, accessories, shoes and décor. Sizes range from baby to big (plus sizes) and there’s lots of everything: Baby Phat to Apple bottoms to cheap bags and chic shoes.
I even got some really cute umbrellas to give as gifts. One looks like candy corn and the other looks like a match stick. The prices are very reasonable, less than TJ Maxx, and the selection is plentiful. There are tons of cheap sun glasses and fun trendy jewelry. Additionally, the staff was very helpful, actually working with a customer to try and create her perfect, new back-to-school look. It was refreshing!
Citi Trends’ target market is of course the 13–25 crowd with disposable income, but we all have an inner swagga, so why not clothe it appropriately (or at least accessorize for maximum coolness)?
Citi Trends,
Mercury Plaza, 1014 Mercury Blvd.


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