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Local Author Casts Light on Spells

Tish Owen promoting her book "Spell it Correctly"

When it comes to spells, Tish Owen has to be considered one of the primary experts. Her book signing at Stone Keepers in Murfreesboro on Jan. 16 for her latest book, Spell It Correctly, provided the chance to glean a wealth of information on this unique subject.

The book, Owen’s second published work, is a guided tour through the ins and outs of spells. Owen said anyone can perform the spells described in her book (and make them work) as long as they include one crucial ingredient: belief. This is the critical component to the successful outcome of a spell.

There are spells in her book for virtually every situation or desired result, from help with infertility to money, and everyone’s favorite, help with all aspects of love. This is the single subject that Owen said people ask for her help with the most. From a lover’s loss of interest or straying to loneliness, people want to know how to fix their love lives. Her husband provides a personal anecdote that includes a warning to those looking for love: Owen wished for a man who would provide her love and be faithful to her, but she forgot one thing: to make him rich.

Owen began the process of writing Spell It Correctly 18 years ago, when she began researching spells. She said she consulted the available literature on the subject, talked to those who were well-versed in spells and studied and learned what stones, herbs and oils work in various situations. She delved into experimentation herself and said the process is ongoing and she learns new things all the time. When she visits New Orleans, she makes a point to talk with spell crafters who can provide the latest, new information concerning the types and uses of spells.

Spell It Correctly contains spells, instructions, various necessary ingredients and tips to make the spells work more effectively. Owen advised those interested in spell crafting to do the spell, believe in the process, truly desire the outcome they are pursuing and than just simply let it go. She said if you are wondering if you did the spell right, then you did it wrong. It is her contention that skepticism is the killer of spells.

“Spells are an empowering idea to create what you want in your life, like praying,” said Owen. She knows there are misconceptions about spells, but to create what you want in life involves faith. To those who are skeptical of the process or do not believe, Owen says, “Nothing. You can’t talk anyone into it.” She recommends trying a spell and see what you get.

Owen wants to create a workbook to go along with Spell It Correctly, in which people can write down the steps they took in their spell-casting process and record their own experiences with spells. She is also beginning to develop a follow-up book detailing the experiences of a wide variety of people in various situations involving the use of spells, the outcomes and what worked and what did not.

For those who feel the yen to gain more details concerning the use of spells, Owens can be consulted at her Nashville shop, The Goddess and the Moon, located at 603 8th Avenue South.

Below, one of the spells from the book:

This spell is to draw the perfect person to you to .

*three white candles
*three red candles
*a pen
*a piece of Rose Quartz
*Musk oil
*Vanilla Incense

Ask for protection, light an incense sitck and connect to the Universe. Breathe deeply in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. As you inhale, know that you are pulling in love. As you exhale, know that you are releasing all blocks to love. Anoint yourself on your pulse points. Anoint one white candle starting at the top and working to the bottom. Hold it in your hands and say this incantation to raise energy:

With this candle flame that is so bright,
Illuminate all my needs tonight,
Help me to make a most perfect list
Clear ideas come to me from the mist.

Push the energy that you have raised into the white candle and light it. Write down every aspect that you want in the perfect mate. Take your time and check your list seven times to make sure you have left nothing out. Remember this is to be your perfect life mate and so you must ask for exactly what you desire. The Universe will give you what you ask for so you must be careful and precise. Place the list in front of the white candle.

Anoint one red candle starting at the top and working to the bottom. Hold it in your hands and say this incantation to raise the energy you need:

My heart burns just like this sacred flame
Bring me the one with all I did name,
Our hearts and souls will entwine as one,
Our perfect love burns bright as the Sun.

Push the energy that you have raised into the red candle and light it. Visualize yourself with your perfect love. In your mind see the images of you together with your perfect love, see all the things that you will do together, smiling and happy.

When you can no longer hold a clear image in your mind, thank the Powers-That-Be for your many blessings. Be secure in the knowledge that the perfect person will come into your life and you will have a wonderful relationship. Allow the candles to burn out. Continue this working for three days, at the end of that time burn the list, remind the Universe that this is what you want, take the ashes outside and scatter them to the winds. Bury any of the leftover wax. Carry the Rose Quartz and anoint yourself with the oil everyday.

Believe in yourself, do not doubt.


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